Book: The Pebble Jar
Author: H.A. Robinson
Genre: Contemporary Romance
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At fifteen years old, Abigail Costa might not know much, but there are three things she's absolutely certain of:
Her grandmother, Nonna, is a superhero and she wants to be just like her one day.
The world is round and she wants to see absolutely every inch of it.
And she and Elliot Peterson will be best friends for life.
After over a decade of getting up to no good together and spending every possible moment in one another's company, it seems impossible that anything could ever change.
Enter: the new girl. With perfect blonde hair and a body to die for, she's everything Abbi never realised she wanted to be. And as she starts to notice that something isn't right with Nonna, she finds that some of her certainties aren't quite so certain anymore, and loneliness forces her to dig deep for a strength she never knew she had.
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Meet the Author
H. A. Robinson is a jet-setting billionaire with a home on each continent, who spends her free time saving kittens from trees and babies from burning buildings. A graduate of Hogwarts and a frequent visitor to Narnia, she drinks coffee in Central Perk and tames dragons in Westeros.
In her dreams…
In reality, she’s a support worker living in a small town in Cheshire, who would almost always choose fantasy over reality. She’s been an obsessive reader from the moment she picked up her first Enid Blyton book, more years ago than she cares to admit, and enjoys nothing more than getting lost in new worlds and adventures from the minds of all the amazing authors out there.
She’s had the voices of characters in her head for as long as she can remember, and puts them down on paper in order to convince herself and the men in white coats that she isn’t crazy.