Tuesday, September 30, 2014

*Release Blitz Packet* Lords of Sin: Redemption by Angel Payne

RedemptionRBBanner   redemption_72dpi_500x750 (2) 5399e-goodreads-badge-add-plus_zpsa971cb04   Synopsis   A damned dream… He watches her every night, rehearsing alone in his theater, her beauty aglow in the gaslights. With every hour that passes, Marcus Stafford is more entranced with the passionate Gabriela Rozina, and the dream she refuses to give up. His obsession is dangerous and he knows it. She can never know who—or what—he is, and why he can never step nearer than the shadows. But her heartbreak is his undoing. Sorrow is a currency he’s traded in for two hundred years. A breathtaking stranger… Gabriela is moved by the stranger with the silver eyes who emerges from the darkness yet brings brilliant light to her world. Soon, she wants something more from Marcus than his mentorship with her acting. She begs for his touch, his body and his heart—but more than anything, to share his dark secret by giving him her blood. A doomed love? As the night draws near of Gabriela’s most vital performance ever, she is in danger of never making it to the stage—unless Marcus fulfills her wish and shares his life force with her. But in the doing, he risks everything, including both their souls. **This title is a reissue of a 2006 release. Buy Links  


Teaser   RedemptionTease2 RedemptionTease1   Excerpt  
Silence. Had she expected something else? He's not there. It was the same inner demon that delighted in tugging at her insecurities before auditions…and long ago, had heckled her each visitor's day at the orphanage. A voice she fought now with shaking fists. The heckler persisted. He told you to go away once. He meant it. You didn't listen. He's not there. "No." She secured her stance tighter. Blast it, she knew what she felt, despite the dark theatre answering her desperate gaze. Freezing fingers of sensation claimed her skin more boldly than they'd dared this morning. Her heartbeat pounded like a triple timpani with each passing second into the night. Worst of all, she couldn't shed this breath-catching awareness…this super real sensation that he still watched her, followed her, haunted her. She moved to the edge of the stage. Stopped when her toes jutted out into the dark—and tried not to liken the view to the unreadable abyss of her senses. "Coward!" she accused into the chasm. "Backing down from the challenge, now that I've figured out a little more than I should? Hiding in your precious shadows, Sir High and Mighty Theatre Owner? Enjoying the drama of the hopeless actress, going slowly insane?" As she backed off the edge, she shook her head in slow-burning fury. "I hope you like tonight's repertoire, Marcus. It's the last you'll get. I don't play to ghosts." She pivoted toward the wings. "Or thieves." As she marched across the stage, she refused to let the dry heat behind her eyes liquidate. She refused to let her shoulders sag or her step falter. She'd give in to her humiliation only after escaping those all-seeing silver eyes. Wherever the bloody hell they were. Two steps from the stage left wings, she gasped and skidded to a halt. Two black-clad, black-booted legs stepped into her path. Her journal and reticule hit the floorboards between those boots with a forceful thwack. They were tossed there from a long-fingered hand. Gabriela's stare connected that hand to an arm, the arm to an endlessly broad shoulder, encased in billowy black silk. Her sights continued up the cords of a taut neck, to the spiritual intensity of Marcus's face. If it were possible, the otherworldly force of him radiated even more potent impact tonight. He looked hewn of dark gold granite under the gas lights, his hair swept around his high forehead like onyx turned to velvet. But most of all, he looked furious. He glared at the purse and the journal, then back to her. "I am not a thief." Gaby didn't pick up the items. Not yet. She nudged one foot forward, her reticule on one side, his boot on the other. She raised her stare, issuing the same challenge to his eyes. "You took them without my permission. You stole them." "I borrowed them." "Borrowed?" She sliced out an incredulous laugh. "Oh, this is a new way to play the scene." "Gabriela—" "You mean to tell me you decided to borrow my reticule—" "Aye.” "Planning a big evening out and didn't have one of your own?" "Gabriela." "And my journal. That’s the worst of it, Marcus. Did you stop to think what you took from me—the record of my deepest thoughts and feelings? Did you consider asking before you violated my privacy, my life?" For a long moment, he issued no reply. But with the slightest motion, he’d pressed his boot against her foot—beckoning her sights up to his again. She cursed the thousand butterflies in her belly that lifted wing along with her gaze. "If I asked…where would your answer have lie?" Gaby compressed her lips, letting silence stretch again. "I rest my case." He dropped his gaze. But not before Gabriela glimpsed a flash of silver light beneath his dark lashes—his surrender to a moment of such intense pain, his eyes looked as if they really did glow… She shook her head. This was no time for such hallucinations. Blast it, he'd wronged her, not the other way around. She snatched her pity back from him, recognizing it for the dangerous emotion it was. But she held on to the anger. "Well?" She locked her arms across her chest. Marcus didn't look up. "Well what?" She slid her foot away from his. Suddenly, her voice didn't come so strongly. "Well…did you read it?" He considered her question for what felt like hours. Finally, he looked up again. Slowly leaned toward her, appearing like a great beast used to watching every step for fear it would crush something. "Aye." Damn him. Damn him for saying it with such meaning, for looking penitent yet proud as he did. Again, as if he'd experienced every fear and feeling, every triumph and sorrow she'd expressed on those pages. "Bastard." "That will not procure you an apology." He towered closer. So mesmerizing. A fine wine in human form, dominating her senses, whether she liked it or not. "I am not sorry I did it." "Yes." She snorted. "I know." "Your words are beautiful." "Stop it." "I memorized them." "You think that's going to redeem you?" "Sweeting, nothing can redeem me." The night held its breath around them.
About Author   Hi there. I'm Angel: book lover, writing addict, hopeless romantic, pop culture geek and avid shoe lover. A bit about me... I've been hooked on books since I was a kid but it got worse in my twenties, when I discovered romances--the hotter, the better. Growing up in Southern California, with lots of surfer manliness surrounded me, was certainly a good boost for reading about delicious alpha guys and the women who adore them. When I learned I had a knack for telling these stories too, I guess you could say I was doomed--though my path toward romance novelist took a few detours via a concert-reviewing gig for my college newspaper (free show tickets...backstage passes...that was a no-brainer), artist interviews for a Beverly Hills dance music mag, personal assistant work for a record producer, dance club disc jockey, and a lot of fun in the hospitality industry.   These days, I still live in California, and have found an amazing alpha guy of my own who was brave enough to marry me. We live on a street that looks like Brigadoon, with our beautiful daughter. I have the best life ever, and never forget to thank the Big Guy Upstairs for it, either.

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Tour Host OUAA

COVER REVEAL & Giveaway - 'Til Death: Volume One by Bella Jewel

Title: 'Til Death: Volume One
Series: 'Til Death #1
Author: Bella Jewel
Cover Design: LM Creations
 Release Date: November 25, 2014


I married a douchebag. 

It's my own fault, really. He came in like a handsome stranger and blew me off my feet. I fell madly in love, like the naive girl I am.

Then he left me high and dry.

Turns out, I was nothing more than a business plan for billionaire playboy, Marcus Tandem. He needed to be married to obtain his grandfathers business, and I was the poor victim in his path. I thought we had something real, I believed it was special until the truth reared its ugly head.

I never meant anything to Marcus. Not a damned thing.

Five years on and my life has been a struggle. Left with nothing, I've had to work myself into the ground to clean up my debts and take care of my sick mother, as well as trying to divorce a man that refuses contact with me.

Five years is a lot of time to plot the perfect revenge.

What my dear husband didn't count on, is that fact that I was smarter than I looked. After all, what married couple doesn't take out a life insurance policy? If he dies. I get five million dollars.

Of course, Marcus doesn't know about it.

One drunken night just after I left made sure of that. My mother is unwell, she can't pay for treatment. And I'm a bitter woman. I've been the joke of Marcus Tandem for five years while I've formed the perfect plan. Now it's my turn.

I have to kill him.

Oh yes, Marcus will pay for what he did.

I made a vow before God, that I would be by his side 'Til death do we part.

I plan to keep that vow.

Pre-order for 99c

Book Trailer

Author Bio

Bella Jewel is a self published, USA Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon release. Since that time, she has published over five novels, gaining a bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland and is currently studying editing and proofreading to further expand her career. Bella has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013 she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. She plans to expand her writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

Author Links



BLITZ: The Last Seer

We're celebrating the RELEASE for
The Last Seer by Cerece Rennie Murphy!

Would you want to hold the future of the world in your hands? 
Read more about the Order of the Seers Trilogy below and enter the fabulous giveaway!

The Order of the Seers Trilogy & Review Opportunity

In Order of the Seers (Book I), the Trilogy begins with a family tragedy that sends a brother and sister on a perilous journey to escape an organization that will stop at nothing to destroy all that is left of their family. From there, the story quickly expands into a global conspiracy that extends from the suburbs of Oregon to the plains of rural Tanzania. Order of the Seers: The Red Order (Book II), continues the story of the Seers as their freedom reveals a deeper meaning and purpose for their power that could alter the course of human evolution. The epic conclusion of the Trilogy, Order of the Seers: The Last Seer was released today, September 30, 2014.

Would you like to review the series? Find out more by clicking on the image below:
Request to review the third Order of Seers book, The Last Seer!

The Last Seer (Order of the Seers, #3)The Last Seer
(Order of the Seers #3)
by Cerece Rennie Murphy
Adult/NA SciFi
September 30th 2014

The Seers face their greatest challenge in the final chapter of the Order of the Seers trilogy…

When the fall of one nemesis unleashes an even greater danger into the world, Lilli, Joel and the Lost Seers must stand against a new enemy with the means and the will to destroy all of mankind, starting with those they hold most dear.

As the Seers mobilize to confront this new evil, the Guild tries desperately to uphold the crumbling world order on which it depends. When their attempts to manage the crisis fail, the members of the Guild are forced to place themselves at the mercy of an unlikely ally.

But the Guild isn’t the only one interested in maintaining control.

An agreement made in secret threatens to destroy any hope of a peaceful alliance before it can be made and as the betrayals unfold, no one is safe against a power that will stop at nothing to get what it wants. To defeat this threat and ensure the survival of the human race, the Seers must push the boundaries of their abilities beyond any limits they have known and risk crossing the line between life and death.

How far would you go to protect what matters most?

Order of the Seers (Order of the Seers, #1)  The Red Order (Order of the Seers, #2)

Order of the Seers 

...begins with the journey of Liam and Lilith Knight, a brother and sister who are hunted by The Guild, a ruthless world organization that seeks to capture and exploit Lilith s unique ability as a Seer to envision the future. Soon after they are forced to leave their home, Lilith and Liam discover that she is not alone. Other Seers like Lilith are routinely kidnapped and enslaved by the Guild for the purpose of consolidating wealth and power around the world... see more on Goodreads

Praise for Order of the Seers

“Ms. Murphy's novel is an excellent example of why I love, not only indie authors, but debut authors so much. This book was fresh, hoppin' and a fun, yet engrossing read.” A Book and a Review, blog

"This story combines family, friendship, love, danger, discovery and loss all into one; and does it magnificently...As I was reading this, I felt immersed into Liam and Lilli's world and found myself rooting for them and their fight against the Guild."Luxury Reading, blog

Read Chapter 1 of Order of the Seers HERE.

The Red Order -

The Lost Seers embark upon a world-wide mission to save their kind from the tyranny of the Guild and unveil their greatest weapon - Developed in secret, The Restoration Project has the potential to awaken the supernatural ability within every man, woman, and child on earth and bring down the very foundation of the Guild’s power and authority.

But the Guild has other plans. Driven by the necessity for control, Crane Le Dieu creates The Red Order... see more on Goodreads.

Praise for The Red Order

With page-turning suspense, secrets revealed and noteworthy characters, Order of the Seers [The Red Order] is a must read for any supernatural fantasy fan. Tense, keen and gripping, Order of the Seers: the Red Order is highly recommended! – Minding Spot

I have to start out by saying if you haven't read Order of the Seers you have no idea what you're missing. The author has an uncanny knack for making the reader feel every bit a part of the story and feeling the characters' emotions….Order of the Seers is shaping up to be a fantastic series already and I highly recommend it. – A Thousand Lives Book Blog

Buy: Direct from Author * Amazon Barnes & Noble

Cerece Rennie Murphy fell in love with science fiction at the age of seven, watching “Empire Strikes Back” at the Uptown Theater in Washington, D.C., with her sister and mom. It’s a love affair that has grown ever since. As an ardent fan of John Donne, Alice Walker, Kurt Vonnegut and Alexander Pope from an early age, Cerece began exploring her own creative writing through poetry. She earned her master’s degrees in social work and international relations at Boston College and Johns Hopkins School for Advance International Studies, respectively, and built a rewarding 15-year career in program development, management and fundraising in the community and international development arenas – all while appreciating the stories of human connection told in science fiction through works like Octavia Butler’s “Wild Seed,” Frank Herbert’s “Dune” and “The X-Files.” In 2011, Cerece experienced her own supernatural event - a vision of her first science fiction story. Shortly after, she began developing and writing what would become the “Order of the Seers” trilogy.

Cerece lives just outside of her hometown of Washington, D.C., with her husband, two children and the family dog, Yoda.

Blitz Giveaway

- $20 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
- Paperback copies of the Order of the Seers Trilogy (US Only)
- Ebook copies of the Order of the Seers Trilogy (INT)
- Ends October 7th

Prism Book Tours

PRE-RELEASE EVENT & Giveaway : APOLONIA by Jamie McGuire

We would love for you to join us in celebrating the release of   APOLONIA by New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Jamie McGuire!

Author: Jamie McGuire
Age: NA
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
Publisher: Jamie McGuire LLC (October 6, 2014)
Cover Design: Okay Creations, Sarah Hansen

“They killed me, but I survived.”

Three years after Rory Riordan foiled her own murder, she still trusts no one. Not Dr. Z, the eccentric college professor who has taken her under his wing, not Benji, the endearing, attractive classmate who insists on following her around, and certainly not Cy, the beautifully dark and mysterious boy who sits on the first row in Dr. Z’s Astrobiology class and asks far too many questions.

When Rory witnesses Cy being abducted by soldiers in the middle of the night, she finds herself submersed in a world that holds even more secrets than she could imagine--even darker secrets than her own.

From #1 New York Times Bestseller Jamie McGuire, experience the perfect combination of her bestselling books Providence & Beautiful Disaster. This New Adult Sci-Fi Romance is an action-packed, whiplash-inducing roller coaster ride. Page after page, this unpredictable, dark and sexy nail biter will keep readers guessing until the very end!

Halloween night, while everyone was dressing up and attending parties, Cy and I were in the basement, punching numbers. The Fitz was one of the oldest buildings on campus, and it struggled to keep itself comfortably heated in the winter and cooled in the summer. The basement was particularly miserable and felt like an icebox on very cold nights.

I sipped my water and pulled the sleeves of my sweater further down my hands.

Cy cleared his throat and, for the first time in weeks, spoke to me first. “I can talk to Dr. Zorba about a space heater.”

“He’ll never go for it,” I said, putting down my water and wiping my lips with the cuff of my sweater. “He wouldn’t risk a fire or a significant temperature change affecting the specimen.”

“It won’t affect the specimen. It came from space.”

“Exactly. Where it’s cold.”

“Who says the planet it originated from wasn’t able to retain higher temperatures?”

“Like Venus?”

“Exactly like Venus. I mean . . . I’m sure that it’s possible. I’ll look into a space heater.” I watched him expectantly. “What?”

“No Uranus jokes? I’m disappointed.”

“What do you mean?”

I chuckled. “Never mind.” My fingers began clicking against the keyboard again, and I was sure that I’d caught Cy staring at me from the corner of my eye. I glanced over at him. “What?”

“You’re much more attractive when you smile. And your laugh is lovely.”

“Uh . . . thank you.”


“I’m welcome. It’s okay. I say thank you to you a lot, apparently.”

“I just want you to . . . I don’t know what I want.”

He stared at me for a few moments more then continued with his work. My face caught fire as the blood pooled under my cheeks. My fingers wouldn’t work after that, and I couldn’t concentrate on the numbers.

Cy stood up and left the room without a word. Right about the time I’d decided to get up and look for him, he returned, setting a Butterfinger on my desk.

“Trick or treat, right?” he said.

“Is that a Halloween joke? I mean that’s cool. I just didn’t know you had a sense of humor.”

“I’m surprised you’re here. There are costume parties all over campus.”

I shook my head. “I don’t really do parties. Just once in a while when I’m bored out of my mind, but I avoid Halloween parties at all costs.”

“Why is that?”

“Fake blood. Dead people. Slutty costumes. None of it screams fun to me.”

Cy grinned. “I suppose not. We still have an hour or so of work to do. Would you mind if I walk you home when we’re finished?”


My response took Cy off guard. He blinked a few times and then cleared his throat. “I think that maybe my insistence not to form attachments here was incorrect. We spend a lot of time together down here, and I’d like to get to know you better.”

“So that’s why you’ve been ignoring me? Because you know you’re leaving?”

He hesitated. “In part, yes.”

“What’s the other part?”

He squirmed in his chair. “You . . . intrigue me.”

I wanted to high-five myself. The few times we’d interacted before I thought he was being nice in spite of feeling an extreme loathing towards me. Instead, it was the opposite. To Cy, I was intriguing. I shrugged, trying to pretend I wasn’t irrationally pleased. “If you want.”

He smiled then continued with his work. Despite the difficulty I had focusing, I forced myself to get through the pages of data on my desk. My mind kept wandering off, questioning why I felt so drawn to him. Cy wasn’t my type. He was leaving. His lack of concert T’s told me that we likely had nothing in common. But even then, I had a strong feeling that there was a reason life had thrown us together.

5 APOLONIA ebooks

Code: <a id="rc-4a501259409" class="rafl" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/4a501259409/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>

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About the Author:
Jamie McGuire was born in Tulsa, OK. She attended the Northern Oklahoma College, the University of Central Oklahoma, and Autry Technology Center where she graduated with a degree in Radiography.

Jamie paved the way for the New Adult genre with international bestseller, Beautiful Disaster. Her follow-up novel Walking Disaster debuted at #1 on the New York TimesUSA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. She has also written apocalyptic thriller Red Hill, a novella titled A Beautiful Wedding, and the Providence series, a young adult paranormal romance trilogy.

Jamie lives on a ranch just outside Enid, OK with husband Jeff and their three children. They share their 30 acres with cattle, six horses, three dogs, and Rooster the cat.

Find Jamie at www.jamiemcguire.com or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Cover Reveal ~ Chloe by Michelle Horst

chloe cover reveal banner Black_scroll_with_transparent_background 3

Title: Chloe Series: The Tainted Ink Series Author: Michelle Horst Release Date: October 7th Black_scroll_with_transparent_background 3

Chloe.ebook   Black_scroll_with_transparent_background 3 synopsis I’m the people pleaser. I’m the party girl. I’m the friend that says, “just another one.” But then comes Zac with his broken heart and I can’t make him just another one. 51289-add-to-goodreads-button Black_scroll_with_transparent_background 310676369_10204654999845190_1563858873392937625_n Black_scroll_with_transparent_background 3 Excerpt “Oh, Sunshine, that baby is Big Ben.” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively. Emma’s face pinches with confusion, and I know I should stop but she’s so easy to take the piss out of. “But it’s so … ah …big,” she tries to chuckle, but gives up with a nervous gulp. She cups her hands over her belly and caresses it lovingly. She’s due to pop in three weeks and I mean pop. My best mate’s gone and gotten the size of a baby beached whale. I take in Emma’s glowing complexion, her blonde hair that’s up in a messy ponytail, and sparkling green eyes. She looks so happy. Unlike the last time I saw her and I had to get her away from that bitch who dared to call herself a mother. This visit is long overdue and with the baby on the way, it was a perfect excuse for me to come and visit. “Surely that doesn’t all fit, you know, up there?” Her eyes bulge huge. I bite the inside of my cheek to hold the laughter back. “That’s nothing, Sunshine. Want to see my favorite? I keep this big fella for special occasions.” Lifting an even bigger vibrator from my luggage, Emma’s hand flies to her mouth. “I present The Eiffel Tower!” Her cheeks stain a rosy pink. I should stop but she’s making it so easy. “Bloody hell, Chloe! That thing should have its own set of kidneys and lungs.” Black_scroll_with_transparent_background 3tainted ink seriesWMU.EBook.new
Black_scroll_with_transparent_background 3
1526878_801163916059_1474521254084678054_nBlack_scroll_with_transparent_background 3Author Bio

Michelle Horst is thirty seven years old and is from the land of milk and honey. She’s been in love with reading from an early age. She has a passion for other cultures, but she has an ultimate soft spot for nature and animals. She first tried her hand at writing in early 2009 and as the first words started to form into a book, she knew she was hooked. Dreams spilled onto pages, and that was the beginning of a wonderful journey. One filled with joy. One filled with passion and heart stopping moments. But most of all, it’s filled with such pride and peace as a story comes to life, and characters fill your life, living in the very walls of your mind, living in the minds of your readers. There is nothing as satisfying as that.

Thank you for each and every story you share with me.

Sunshine Smiles from around the world and back,

Michelle :)

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Handled Release Day

 Nothing makes my cock stand at attention like my lil' Firecracker.
She thinks she can hide behind that sharp tongue and those succulent pink lips, but it only makes her taste all the sweeter.
I can't get enough...if only she could say the same.
Release Day Party!
Starts at 5:30 CDT!
Come hang out with some of your favorite authors!!!

Barnes & Noble: TBA

Kobo: TBA

Angela Graham is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of the Harmony series. She resides in Tipp City, Ohio with her three beautiful children. Collaborating with S.E. Hall, she has released three erotic short stories.
Angela knew she found her calling in the world of fiction the moment she began pounding away at the keys for her first short story in 2012. With a baby on her shoulder, she wrote for about a year before deciding to try her hand at an actual novel. It was the best decision she ever made and since then she continues to bring characters to life in her free time.

S.E. Hall is the author of the Amazon Best Selling Evolve Series, Emerge, Embrace, Entangled (novella) and Entice as well as the bestselling stand-alone NA Romance, Pretty Instinct. She has co-written Stirred Up, Packaged and Handled, a collection of erotic short stories with her CP and friend, Author Angela Graham as well as a collaboration titled Conspire, a romantic suspense with friend and author Erin Noelle. She is honored to be a part of the USA Today and NYT Best Selling Devour box set. S.E., which stands for Stephanie Elaine, resides in Arkansas with her husband of 18 years and 3 beautiful daughters of the home, and one married daughter who graced her with two beautiful grandchildren. When not in the stands watching her ladies play softball, she enjoys reading and writing and the occasional trip to the casino. She's also clutch at Baggo, when it's warm outside, and definitely the woman to pick on your side for some Flip Cup!

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