Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Finding Eli & Unraveling Eli by Jake Irons & Giveaway

Titles: Finding Eli & Unraveling Eli
Author: Jake Irons
Genre: Erotic Romance


When you have a thrice-a-day Starbucks addiction, a love affair with Louboutins, and an apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world, the last thing you need is to lose your job. But that’s what happened to me—or what will, unless I can pull off the impossible: find Eli Murphy.

Eli, notorious playboy and New York City high roller, is the founder of the newzine where I work. He's been MIA for three years. But I think I can find him. If I do, and I get his story, I can keep my job.

What could go wrong?
Ask me when I’m tangled in my lies—and his bed sheets.
Ask me when we’re running for our lives.

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99c for a limited time + Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Jake Irons is the pseudonym of a male author living in Portland. He writes erotica at his desk at a stuffy corporate law office.

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He Lived Next Door by Portia Moore & Giveaway

Title: He Lived Next Door
Author: Portia Moore
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 31, 2017


There are ugly truths 
and pretty lies.
When I lost them, 
I chose neither. 
I wrapped myself in silence.
My husband, my best friend, became a stranger who gave up.

moved in next door, and everything changed.
You think you know this story,
but you don’t. 
Be careful what you ask for because the answer may not come the way you think.

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Author Bio

I'm obsessed with blowing kisses. I guess that makes me a romantic. I love books and cute boys and reading about cute boys in books. I'm infatuated with the glamour girls of the past: Audrey, Dorothy, Marilyn, Elizabeth. 

I'm a self-confessed girly girl, book nerd, food enthusiast, and comic book fan. Odd combination huh, you have no idea...

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Refusing to Expire

Release Blitz
Title: Refusing to Expire
Author: Tricia Daniels
Release Date: May 31, 2017
    Love sometimes comes to us when we’ve completely given up on it. You just have to let go of the past and accept it. Tori Campbell has neglected her needs as a woman, for far too long. Times are tough, money is tight, and raising three boys without a positive male role model in the house is challenging. After months of online dating, she realizes that there’s a whole lot of crazy out there. Discouraged, she struggles to accept that she may spend the rest of her life alone. Roger Ford hasn’t been lucky in love, so far. He’s looking for someone to share his life. Someone to laugh and dance with. The moment they meet and he gazes into her enchanting, green eyes, he falls hard. Everything just seems to fit. Well, almost everything. Roger may not be the perfect man, but he is no quitter, and he’s determined to prove it.  
      Tricia Daniels lives in a small town in Southern Ontario, Canada, where she raised three kids as a single parent. Creativity and imagination is something there is never a short supply of in her home. Between her quick wit and wicked sense of humor she found that she has a passion for writing steamy romance novels. Her goal is simple, tell her story, warm a few hearts, shed a few tears, share a silent chuckle, and occasionally, make people blush. That's the official version. But the simple truth is... I'm just a normal woman, struggling to pay the bills and trying to raise my kids in a home where they feel empowered, supported and loved. I'd like to say that the story came to me with a gentle persuasion...but oh no! This story hit me like a full on tackle from behind and there were no foul flags thrown by the referee. Here's a little something unusual about me, well at least I think so... I'm not an author. My friends laugh when I say that. I have never aspired to write the next great love story or take the literary world by storm. I'm just a girl, who woke up from a dream with characters, scenes and a story in my head that was tied to such powerful emotions I couldn't settle until I wrote them down to get them out of my brain. This story would have never been shared with any of you if it wasn't for very good friends, who continue to try and convince me that I have a gift. Who knew? Definitely not me.  

Redemption by Stephie Walls & Giveaway

Cover Design: Wicked by Design
Release Date: June 21, 2017
Desperate for the ultimate forgiveness, Melissa Jackson offers herself up in the most selfless way. But, by atoning for her past, she could lose her future as she tries to keep her secret from unraveling at the feet of the man she adores. Daniel Hadley becomes enamored with the wrong woman at the right time. Forever the playboy, Dan falls for the redhead with a jaded past, but all he can see is the gift she so freely gives. Her soft spirit and noble gesture have him head over heels, even though it could be his undoing. Hoping to right her wrongs, Lissa embarks on what will prove to be one of the most difficult challenges of her life. Clueless to the turmoil she hides, Dan plans for a future that might never be. Together, they set off on a journey to discover their path and fulfill their destiny.
One of Five ARC's for Redemption
About the Author
Stephie Walls is a literary whore - she loves words in all forms and will read anything put in front of her. She has an affinity for British Literature and Romance novels and an overall love of writing. She currently has eight novels out, four short stories, and three collections; all provocatively written to elicit your imagination and spice up your world. She has another novel on its way to bookshelves in May 2017. Be on the look out for the re-release of Freed!    
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Sexy Motherpucker by Lili Valente

Title: Sexy Motherpucker
A Bad Motherpuckers Novel
Author: Lili Valente
Genre: Steamy Romantic Comedy/Hockey Romance
Release Date: May 22, 2017


When the family dog trots in with my diaphragm in its mouth—in front of my date, his parents, and his adorable little girl—you would think I’d hit rock bottom.


Let’s back this up a sec…

Brendan Daniels is the sexiest man alive. The captain of the Badger’s NHL team is also clever, kind, funny, and was my good friend…until we cruised out of the friend zone one weekend with a red-hot fling. Come Monday morning, I wanted to keep riding the Big O train to happy town, but Brendan wanted someone who was “stepmom” material.

A.K.A, not me, apparently.

The problem? I’m crazy in love with him and his daughter. So when he asks me to be his pretend girlfriend for a long weekend with his former in-laws, I say yes. We’re still friends, after all, and friends don’t let friends fake it alone.


Laura Collins is the last woman I should be thinking about taking in the back seat of my car, in the woods behind my in-laws’ house, or in a hotel room where we’re sharing one very small, very squeaky bed.

I need a steady, stable influence for my daughter, not a fling with this too wild, too young, too impulsive red head. So what if she’s beautiful and intense and passionate and has the biggest heart I’ve ever known?

I don’t want to fall in love. I really don’t. The whole “pretend girlfriend” thing was supposed to solve my problems, buy me a little more time.

But when it comes to Laura?

Hell, maybe I’m just not cut out for faking it.

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Also Available


Coming Soon

Releasing July 11, 2017


Author Bio

Lili Valente has slept under the stars in Greece, eaten dinner at midnight with French men who couldn’t be trusted to keep their mouths on their food, and walked alone through Munich’s red light district after dark and lived to tell the tale. 

These days you can find her writing in a tent beside the sea, drinking coconut water and thinking delightfully dirty thoughts. 

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The Baby Clause & Giveaway

Title: The Baby Clause
Series: The Contract #2
Author: Melanie Moreland
Genre: Short Story Romance
Release Date: May 31, 2017


Richard VanRyan can add another line to his resume—Daddy.

How does he handle the new addition to his life?

The Baby Clause is a short continuation of Richard and Katy’s story, containing humorous glimpses into his life as a father, and how his world has changed.

A must read for all fans of The Contract!

A portion of all sales go to charity. 

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Only 99c



I slipped out of bed and padded across the hall, stopping in the doorway. My chest tightened at the sight before me.

Richard, tall, broad, and bare chested, cradling his daughter close, and dancing with her. She was tucked high on his chest, with his cheek resting on her head. Her tiny hand was encased inside his, and he held her protectively. No doubt his humming was soothing to her, rumbling through his chest and lulling her into peace.

Tears filled my eyes watching them. The cold-hearted man I first knew was gone and replaced by this protector who would do anything to care for his child. To care for me.

Also Available


Author Bio

New York Times/USA Today bestselling author Melanie Moreland, lives a happy and content life in a quiet area of Ontario with her beloved husband of twenty-seven-plus years and their rescue cat, Amber. Nothing means more to her than her friends and family, and she cherishes every moment spent with them.

While seriously addicted to coffee, and highly challenged with all things computer-related and technical, she relishes baking, cooking, and trying new recipes for people to sample. She loves to throw dinner parties, and also enjoys travelling, here and abroad, but finds coming home is always the best part of any trip.

Melanie delights in a good romance story with some bumps along the way, but is a true believer in happily ever after. When her head isn’t buried in a book, it is bent over a keyboard, furiously typing away as her characters dictate their creative storylines to her, often with a large glass of wine keeping her company.

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Love My Way by Kate Sterritt

Title: Love My Way
Author: Kate Sterritt
Genre: Romance/Women's Fiction
Release Date: May 31, 2017


Her name is Emerson Hart and she is the love of his life.

Unfortunately, he's not the only love of hers.

And therein lies the problem.

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Author Bio

Kate Sterritt lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband, three young sons and highly energetic German Shorthaired Pointer puppy.

When she’s not madly juggling the logistics of soccer trainings, play dates and volunteering at the school, she can be found at her laptop, writing the types of novels she loves to read. Her characters are inspired by her own experiences, blended with her imagination and a healthy dose of wishful thinking.

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True Souls (The Soulmates Series Book 1) by Michele Gantz

Book Blitz:
True Souls
(The Soulmates Series Book 1)
Michele Gantz
May 30th - Jun 6th

She's my everything, my true soul. My entire world was rocked by Belle. So young, so dumb, I didn't realize until that night…
Three years later and she's finally all mine. Not just my girlfriend- no so much more.

I wasn't supposed to fall in love with my best friend’s brother, but when you meet your true love, nothing can stop the fall.
That's what happened with Jax and me.
He's the one who holds my soul. And nothing can ever change that.

God, I hope she's right.

In my time on this Earth, I have always been intrigued by the written word. As a child, I was always a strong reader. As I grew older, I found other hobbies, that was until I was introduced to Edward Cullen, yes, I was a Twihard! I loved the Twilight Saga very much and opened my eyes back to the Young Adult book world. I was ravenous again, reading any YA book I could get my hands on.

This eventually lead to the inevitable right? Fifty Shades of Grey entered my world, and while I, like many, enjoyed it. But I was left thinking, wow, the romance genre really has changed, and I like it!! I began paging through Amazon desperately searching for books. Then I discovered book blogs and my world was done.

I eventually became a reviewer for a blog, and couldn’t have been more thrilled. I discovered a love within myself for dark, dangerous antiheroes that could be found within the pages of books. This amazing indie book world introduced me to some of my now best friends, opened my eyes to amazing authors, and has turned into a career that I know love.

After reviewing for another blog and helping with blogging duties, I craved running my own blog, and with the help of some of the most amazing women, we created #Minxes Love Books. Silly name as it may seem, we had fallen in love with Jaimie Roberts writing, and we were known for creating funny hashtags in her street team. She began calling us her #Minxes, so we KNEW when we started a blog, that it just had to be that! We have grown a following and love what we do!!

Now, join me as I enter into the world of authorship. I honestly cannot wait to share this story as these characters have been screaming in my head for years for me to tell their story.

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