Paradise, love, power…and a prophecy with a price.
Most people believe Eden no longer exists. Lexi Merrill’s about to learn they’re wrong. A hard-working bartender with a self-sufficient backbone and a wary nature, she knows pickup lines like a second language. So, when Eryx Shantos barges into her world with too-smooth words and a body to back it up, she locks up her libido and vows to keep her distance.
Eryx has other ideas. As king of the Myren race, Eryx is duty-bound to enforce the laws preventing exposure of their existence to humans. Yet The Fates have led him through his dreams to Lexi, a temptation he doesn’t want to resist. The question—is she Myren, or human, which makes her forbidden fruit?
When Eryx’s nemesis tags Lexi as his next target, Eryx insists on taking her home where he can keep her safe. Lexi had no idea “home” would mean the one-and-only land of creation…or that she’d trigger a prophecy that could doom her newfound race.
Every good romance has its ups and downs, right? A particular hurdle (or multiple hurdles) the couple as to face to make the ending that much more satisfactory? Well, in this excerpt, Eryx is beginning to realize he might have dug a hole for himself that’s not gonna be too easy to climb out of… Eryx skipped another pebble across the lake’s surface, tiny ripples echoing out along the surface from the twenty or so others he’d thrown before it. Still a lot more peaceful than the chaos rattling around in his head. A perfect Eden day. Sunshine, spring weather, an easy lakeside picnic...ideal for Lexi’s celebration day. He should be excited. Still doling out information as you see fit? Lexi’s comment still stung. He could only imagine the words she’d sling at him when the day was over—assuming she lived that long. “Stop fidgeting, Eryx.” Orla’s snap matched her towel’s sharp pop as she shooed an eager fly from the food. Ramsay, Graylin and Ludan stood beneath the frius tree’s tall branches, their voices void of the strain clogging his own throat. “It’s perfectly normal for a woman to take her time getting ready.” Orla smoothed an unseen wrinkle along the vibrant blue linen tablecloth. “Especially when her man leaves her a beautiful gift.” A deep sapphire gown accented by a platinum belt encrusted with diamonds, and cuffs to match. Bold, like the woman. Damned if he didn’t have the drive of a horny teen backed up with the lust of a seasoned warrior. He should be patient. More balanced. A cool spring breeze floated across the water’s surface and brushed his face, but did zero to sooth his need to pace. “What the hell’s taking them so long? I sent Galena in there to help, not add hours to the process.” “Perhaps Galena’s adding to her Myren education. We’ve already established Lexi knows nothing of mating, let alone that you want her for your own.” Orla tossed a hand towel on the chair he’d vacated and planted her fists on her hips. “From the sounds of things, she doesn’t even know you’re the malran.” “She knows.” A petulant answer, but he was past the point of caring. “But does she know what a malran is?” Orla tottered closer, insistent. The smooth surface of the lake barely rippled. Too bad his patience didn’t match. “In a manner of speaking.” “Whose manner, may I ask?” Something snapped. One second the lake filled his vision, the next he towered over the woman who’d all but raised him. “I told her I was our leader. We’d only just met and she knew nothing of our race. Should I have explained I was her equivalent of a king right off the bat?” He threw his hands up. “Oh wait, you’d have me also tell her I want her as my baineann right after I’d carried her through a portal and thrown fire from my palm!” He faced the lake and fought to calm his raging breath. Heavy gazes burned into his back, the peace of the spring silence awkward. He’d never advanced on Orla like that before. Ever. “Forgive me.” Orla’s voice floated to him, consoling. “I was only thinking of Lexi. I didn’t consider the obstacles in your path.” A sharp ache pulsed at his jawline, his teeth clenched tight enough to smooth his molars. Shame hung heavy around his neck. “I should apologize to you.” Closing the short distance between them, he pulled Orla to his chest and kissed the top of her gray head. If he couldn’t keep his emotions in check, he’d never make it through the night. Not with the deception ahead. A throaty chuckle rumbled from Ramsay’s direction. The grin on his twin’s face grew to a full-on smile as he crossed his arms. “You’re a lucky man.” He jerked his head toward the garden gate. “Prepare to walk the gauntlet, brother.” Sweet Great One on High. Lexi strolled along the winding path, Galena beside her. The flowers, the waving grass, the muted stones on the home behind her—all background details to her focal point. Midnight-colored hair, loose about her shoulders. Tanned skin wrapped in a body-hugging blue gown. Pride tried to get him to shut his slack jaw, but the rest of him was too shell- shocked to care. The perfect malress. Primal instinct pounded at him. Take. Protect. Indulge. No. Not yet. She needed him to guide and teach her. Not sling her over his shoulder and stomp off to some hidden cave. Rounding the last curve on the path, Lexi met his rapt stare. A blush stole across her face and her fingers fluttered at her sides. Eryx pushed open the garden gate, his movements harsh and embarrassingly gawky. Galena slid past them, eyes diverted with a know-it-all smirk. He cupped Lexi’s elbow, drew her closer, and slid his hand until he’d circled her wrist. It seemed so small and vulnerable, the flutter of her pulse frantic beneath his thumb. He kissed the delicate spot. “I’ve seen many beautiful things, but nothing moves me like you, Alexis.” He pulled her close, the sweet scents of rosemary and mint clinging to her skin. No matter what it took, he wouldn’t give up. She was his mate...whether she realized it yet or not.
Rhenna Morgan writes for the same reason she reads—to escape reality.
Yes, her life rocks—two beautiful little girls, a great husband, a steady job, and the kind of friends that would take you out back if you hurt her. But, like most women, she’s got obligations stacked tight from dusk to dawn. So, when the world gets her down, she slips into something…less realistic.
Romance is a must. So is a steamy romp (or four). Nothing thrills her more than the fantasy of new, exciting worlds, strong, intuitive men, and the sigh of, “Oh if only that could happen to me.”
So, if you’re picking up one of her books, expect portals into alternate realms and men who’ll fight to keep the women they want. Romantic escape for the women who need it.
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