Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tarnished Excerpt & Giveaway

Royce Kennedy believes he has the town of Rusty Knob and its citizens in the palm of his hand. For altruistic reasons, of course. A real man takes care of his land and the people on it, whether they want to accept the help or not.

After fostering an orphan, adopting underprivileged kids, creating businesses to bring jobs back to the area, donating his time, energy, and money by founding the Community Growth: Life Skills Center, people are beginning to wonder if the man is running a campaign to earn the status of a saint.

Royce’s family is getting frustrated by idly watching their patriarch spread himself too thin, because he won’t allow them to shoulder his burdens or their own. Drastic measures are taken before the man can see reason. When the dust finally settles, Royce realizes he’s been taking care of everyone but himself.

But there’s a problem with sorting out your issues, with the clarity of mind, you can’t hide from the good, bad, and downright filthy secrets buried in the depths of your past.

With dark, violent, depraved skeletons, Rusty Knob’s patriarch isn’t as pure of soul as he appears to be. Will he finally surrender and accept the help to buff the tarnish away?

Just because it’s the moral thing to do, doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for you.

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Book 2
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“Gimme my boy,” Warren orders, reaching to take Copper from Kade. “If you ever yell while holding him again, I’ll kick your teeth in. Got it?”

“Got it.” Kade glances away in shame. “Dad– Willa? Ya gotta move on. Get some help. You can’t keep this lie going.”

“I don’t see how not giving the violent details is lying,” I burst out, flabbergasted. “We have the right to privacy.”

Kade points at Willa and me, fury etched across his features. “They have a right to not live a lie. Tell the truth and be done with it.”

Willa and I are both stunned stupid. She reaches for my hand, never before initiating that small gesture of comfort. I wrap my hand around hers and squeeze tightly to center myself.

“We’re walking home,” Kade orders Warren. “You’re not getting in that car with my godson ever again. I’m calling the junkyard to tow it away.”

“What the fuck am I supposed to drive, asshole?” Warren keeps snarling underneath his breath, but he’s removing Copper’s car seat while he’s doing it. “Penny is gonna shit a brick if I can’t drive Jeb and the girls back up to Franklin Holler every evening.”

“I’ll drive you tonight.” Kade takes the car seat so Warren can carry Copper. “Penny’s getting a graduation gift. Look for a hefty deposit into your account come tomorrow morning.”

“What the fuck?” It’s my turn to snarl. “Stop accessing the fund, or I’ll remove your name from it! Are you bastards blackmailing me now?” Willa tugs on my hand to keep me from committing homicide in front of my new center promoting survival.

“Royce,” Kade talks down to me like I’m an idiot. “When you’re upset, it makes you feel good to give things to people in need. I saw you eyeing this car, and I heard you bitching about it. You’re really, really upset right now, so you need to give a big gift.”

“Thanks!” Warren says enthusiastically as he carries his son down the street toward my house. “I’m glad Willa hasn’t convinced you to go into therapy yet, or I might have missed out on a new car.”

My glare is piercing, but it only makes Kade laugh. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just doing your work for you, cutting out the middle man. I promise not to go overboard at the center.”

“I’m telling Wynn,” I threaten, and I only succeed in making Kade’s grin larger. He walks away from me after detonating a bomb and then leaving me to do the cleanup. “He hates it when you spend my money.” I turn to Willa. “Did that actually just happen?”

“Welcome to my world,” she mutters sarcastically. “They tag-team you by making you feel like shit. Then when you’re at your weakest, they go in for the kill. It’s classic Warren and Kade. They planned this, no doubt.”

Dumbfounded, I just stare after my son, finally seeing him clearly. Kade always said I wouldn’t want to hear his private thoughts. Now I’m terrified.

Also Available in the Rusty Knob Series

Book 1
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Erica Chilson does not write in the 3rd person, wanting her readers to be her characters. Therefore, writing a bio about herself, is uncomfortable in the extreme.

Born, raised, and here to stay, the Wicked Writer is a stump-jumper, a ridge-runner. Hailing from North Central Pennsylvania, directly on the New York State border; she loves the changes in seasons, the humid air, all the mountainous forest, and the gloomy atmosphere.

Introverted, but not socially awkward, Erica prides herself on thinking first and filtering her speech. There are days she doesn’t speak at all. If it wasn’t for the fact that she lives with her parents, giving her a sense of reality, she would be a hermit, where the delivery man finds her months after expiration.

Reading was an escape, a way to leave a not-so pleasant reality behind. Reading lent Erica the courage she gathered from the characters between the pages to long for a different life. Writing was an instrument of change, evolving Erica into the woman she is today- a better, more mature, more at peace thinker.

Erica has a wicked mind, one she pours out into her creations. Her filter doesn’t allow all of it to erupt, much to her relief. Sarcastic, with a very dark, perverse sense of humor, Erica puts a bit of herself into every character she writes.

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