Title: The Monster on Top of the Bed & My Monster on Top of the Bed
Author: Alan H. Jordan
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Suzy, who used to jump up
and down on her bed having just a great time. This scared a young critter named
Karrit who lived under Suzy’s bed and he wanted her to be his friend. Still,
Suzy ate strange things like cakes made out of pans (pancakes) and the toes of
toemays (tomatoes) and—he couldn’t believe it—he heard her talk about eating
something truly horrendous.
One day Karrit heard Suzy tell her mother that she was lonely and needed
a friend. Because of that Karrit decided to visit Suzy. At first Suzy was
afraid of Karrit, who had red, scaly legs, and a blue nose. But Suzy noticed
that Karrit seemed scared of her too. So, Suzy treated Karrit the way that she
would want to be treated if she had gone to his house.
As they grew to know each other, Suzy figured out why Karrit was afraid
of her, and she was sorry to have scared him. She showed him a hotdog (she
didn’t eat dogs that were hot) a tomato (she didn’t eat the toes of matoes) and
a carrot (she definitely didn’t eat Karrits).
Suzy made Karrit feel that she liked him, and that she wanted him to be
happy. Because of that, they kept getting to know each other better until one
day they both realized that they didn’t have to be afraid of each other, and
that it was a mistake for each of them to think of the other as a “monster.”
Suzy and Karrit became best friends, and neither was afraid of monsters again.
Author Bio
Jordan writes poetry, spiritual books, self-help books, childrens’ books
and business books. He's working on a comic mystery and a thriller
that are scheduled for release in 2016. His Kindle books , I Am Here, Dad; Can You Feel Me, Mom?; and Zoey’s Letter to a Soul, contain full color
photographs taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer Space Telescope and
Chandra X-ray Observatory with hyperlinks so that when you click on the
links you go right to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
web page that provides full details about the picture.
His children’s book The Monster on
Top of the Bed was written to pass on his
strongest beliefs and values to a
grandchild, just in case he should pass away before
my daughter got pregnant and had a child.
Watch some videos that
explain the advantages of “The Monster n Top of the Bed”: http://monbed30.max-opp.com/videos/for-kids-and-parents/
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