Thursday, June 30, 2016

Yesterday's Tomorrows by M.E. Montgomery & Giveaway

Title: Yesterday’s Tomorrows
Author: M.E. Montgomery
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2016


If growing up in her home wasn’t enough to shatter Madelyn Stone’s illusions of happily ever after, then serving several years behind bars certainly was. Her crime? Believing in family and growing up on the wrong side of the tracks. She’s learned the hard way that there is no such thing as a prince in shining armor.

Between a career in the Marines and plans to marry his childhood sweetheart, Holten Andrews had his future all mapped out…until life took an unexpected, heart-ripping turn. Now he’s moved on with a new career in law and vows to confine women to one of three categories: family, professional, and f*ckable. No blurring the lines. Ever.

Love is the last thing on Maddy’s mind as she attempts to forge a new path out of the wreckage of her life. Holt’s sense of loyalty is rocked when he’s blindsided by feelings for a woman he would normally condemn. When revelations from Maddy’s past threaten her, Maddy has to put her faith in Holt, while Holt fights not to lose the one woman who blurred all of his lines. Every choice they make will figure into whether or not they can make yesterday’s dreams still come true tomorrow.

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** 99c for release day only!**


Author Bio

M.E. Montgomery has been an avid reader her entire life, and after falling in love with so many characters created by other authors, a new one began to form in her head. With the support of her family, she decided to to write it.

She is the homework queen to her four school aged children who think she is a genius in math, science, history and spelling. Fortunately, her biology and elementary school teaching background help her to keep up the expert façade, at least for now.

Although born and raised in the Washington DC metro area, she has considered many places to be called home since she left to attend college in North Carolina. She is a proud Navy wife, setting up a home wherever the Navy sends her husband. When she’s not reading or writing, she loves to go camping with her family, drink wine on the deck, and be swept off to romantic getaways.

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$500 #eNovAaW BookBub Giveaway

Win a $500 Amazon Gift Card!

Follow these eNovel Authors at Work authors on BookBub and enter to win a
$500 Amazon Gift Card!

Are you a blogger or active on social media? Click this link and find out how you can win prizes for sharing this giveaway!

Meet your giveaway sponsors from #eNovAaW

Jackie Weger
Jackie Weger is a traveler of the good earth by boat, train, plane and truck. But mostly she just gets as far as Walmart.

Donna Fasano
Donna Fasano is a USA Today Bestselling Author. Her books have won awards and have sold 4 million copes world wide.

Aurora Springer
Morphing from scientific research into fiction, Aurora Springer has achieved her life-long ambition to publish her creations. Her stories include science fiction and fantasy with romance, mystery and a sprinkle of humor. In real life, she works as a scientist and has a PhD in molecular biophysics. She was born in the UK and lives in Atlanta with her husband, a dog and two cats to sit on the laptop. Her hobbies, besides reading and writing, include outdoor activities like watching wildlife, hiking and canoeing.

Lorena Angell
Lorena Angell lives in Washington where she enjoys gardening, hiking, bar-b-queing, and being with her family. She writes Young Adult Fantasy/Paranormal. Her series, The Unaltered, is a #1 bestseller in eleven countries and is currently being optioned for film.

A.J. Lape
A. J. Lape lives in Cincinnati with her husband, two daughters, an ADD dog, a spoiled hamster, and an unapologetic and unrepentant addiction to Coca-Cola--plus a lifelong love affair with bacon she has no plans to sever. A graduate of Morehead State University with a Master's degree in Communications, she's a PI wannabe but daily stops crime and kills bad people through the fictional ADHD character of Darcy Walker. If the FBI ever checks her computer, she'll be wearing prison-orange due to the graphic and disgusting "wiki" articles she looks up...all in the name of career research, of course.

Jerri Hines
Jerri Hines is an Amazon bestselling author of the Winds of the Betrayal and Winds of Change series and Southern Legacy serial that were inspired by her fascination with history. She is a Southern gal who has lived the last thirty years near Boston with her Yankee husband. She believes in love and the power it holds. It is the reason she writes romances. Her much anticipated conclusion to Winds of Betrayal, Set Fire To the Rain, will be released December, 2016. She is also an Amazon Bestselling author under her penname, Colleen Connally

Amy Vansant
Amy specializes in fun, comedic reads about accident prone, easily distracted women with questionable taste in men. So, autobiographies, mostly. She is a nerd and Labradoodle mommy who works at home with her goofy husband. She loves interacting with fans when the dog isn't laying on top of her, so stop by her blog or Twitter and say hi!

Dan Petrosini
Dan teaches at local colleges, writes novels and plays the tenor saxophone in a couple of jazz bands. Married with two daughters and a needy Maltese, Dan splits his time between South West, Florida and New York City where he was born. Dan has his own view of the world and culture or lack thereof. He has an active blog at, has written four novels and is in the midst of the next one.

Roberta Kagan
Thank you so much for your interest in my work. My mother was Jewish and my father was Romany. From the time I was young, the dark memories of the holocaust were apart of my life.  Soon all the survivors will be gone, and the lessons of the holocaust must not be lost with them. I studied, researched,  and met with survivors, and each story of survival has one common thread, that even in the darkest hour there's always a flicker of light. And that flicker of light is, love.
I send you many blessings. Roberta

Anne Kennison
With more than 30 years of lawyering under her belt, and now retired from the practice of law, Anne describes herself as a ""recovering attorney."" Anne's unique plot twists come from a fertile imagination honed by those years of experience.

When Anne's not writing, she dabbles in photography, makes scrapbooks for her two granddaughters, makes jewelry, hangs out with the grandkids, and travels with her husband. Although they have traveled extensively from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego, and from Asia to Europe, what they love most is adventure travel. Anne says, ""So much world to see, so little time!""

Anne lives in Richmond, Virginia, with her husband Dale and two Ragdoll cats, Grady and Elliott.

Kerry J. Donovan
#1 International Best-seller with On Lucky Shores, Kerry J Donovan was born in Dublin. He spent most of his life in the UK, and now lives in the heart of rural Brittany with his wonderful and patient wife, Jan. They have three children and four grandchildren (so far), all of whom live in England. An absentee granddad, Kerry is hugely thankful for the advent of video calling.

The cottage is a pet free zone (apart from the field mice, moles, and red squirrels).

Kerry earned a first class honours degree in Human Biology, and has a PhD in Sport and Exercise Sciences. A former scientific advisor to The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, he helped UK emergency first-responders prepare for chemical attacks in the wake of 9/11. This background adds a scientific edge to his writing. He is also a former furniture designer/maker.

Julie Frayn
Julie Frayn is a Canadian multi-award-winning author of novels and short stories that pack a punch. And a few stabs. Julie lives in Alberta, near the foot of the Rocky Mountains. When not working or writing, Julie spend as much time as possible with her babies. Well, they’re grown adults now, but they still think she’s cool. Right kids? Right? Hello?

R.P. Dahlke
Biography for A Dangerous Harbor
This book and its sequel, Hurricane Hole, are the result of my years sailing in Mexico with my husband aboard our cutter rigged Hylas 47 sailboat. Mexico is a culture that was, and still is, struggling to gain a foothold in the 21st Century. These romantic suspense books (no graphic sex, but lots of humor) are about Americans who're here because they can't seem to outrun the problems they so desperately want to leave behind.

David Wind
David Wind has published thirty-eight novels including Science Fiction, Mystery and suspense thrillers. He lives and writes in a small village about thirty miles upstate of NYC, and shares his house with his wife, Bonnie and dog Alfie, a sub-standard poodle (email him for an explanation).

Boss Box Set by Rae Lynn Blaise

Title: Boss Box Set
Series: Boss #1-5
Author: Rae Lynn Blaise
Genre: Mob BDSM Romance 
 Release Date: June 30, 2016


Book 1

"Six years ago, I made a deal with the devil.
Six years ago, I delivered a package to a man that made me tremble - in fear and in lust.
Six years ago, I barely walked away with my life.
Today, that man became my boss. And I'm still trembling."

Book 2

"There is more to my boss than I ever expected - more needs.
But then, there's more to me than he knows - more wants.
Together, we could start fires with our scorching heat.
But how hot can we get before I am burned alive?"

Book 3

"My past is threatening to overwhelm me, to destroy what happiness I have found.
My lover, my boss has a past as well, but he won't let me in.
I'll do anything for him to let me in - anything.
But can I survive the secrets I uncover?"

Book 4

"I'm afraid I'll be destroyed the same way my sister was.
I want to understand his secrets, I want him to protect me, but now he has me under his control.
I'm afraid I'll disappear and no one will even know I was here.
I can't stop, though...because I'm falling in love."

Book 5

"He’s betrayed me in the worst possible way.
My heart wants it to be a mistake.
My mind has me on the run, for my life.
Will I survive without him? Do I want to?"

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Author Bio

Tattooed connoisseur of smut. Compulsive writer of any sexy idea that drifts through my mind. Hurricanes and hot guys always welcome.

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Deep in You by David S. Scott & Giveaway

Title: Deep in You
Series: The Phoenix Series #1
Author: David S. Scott
Genre: Erotica
Release Date: June 30, 2016


My name is Alexander Phoenix. You’ve probably heard of me, most people have. I’ve won numerous awards and medals all over the world, including the last two Olympics Games. Outside gymnastics, I’m untamable. Many have tried, none have succeeded. They’ve called me a playboy, a philanderer …

Until a chance meeting in a bar with her almost proves to be a disaster for both of us. She’s hot, fascinating and, despite the fact that she poses a risk to me because she’s a tabloid reporter, I can’t help but feel drawn to her.

What are her secrets? Who wants to hurt her?

I’ve never shied away from challenges. Why should I start now?

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I swooped down and kissed her, cutting her off. I knew what she’d seen, what they’d all seen. I didn’t want to talk about gymnastics now. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. I like being able to control my body to do these things, enjoy the admiration I get. It just wasn’t my focus here in the club. My interest was only in the beautiful woman in front of me. I captured her mouth with mine, claiming her. She was delicious; sweet with a slight taste of martini. My tongue caressed hers, danced with hers. My pulse increased to dangerous levels as she moaned and matched me stroke for stroke. I retreated slightly before driving into her again, our mouths a mimicry of what I wanted to do to her with my body. Everything else fell away–the club, the people pressing into us from all sides, the noise, all of it. It was just me and her, doing positively indecent things, uncaring of who saw us. Unable to resist, I roughly groped her breast outside her shirt. She pulled back, her eyes dark, hooded. We both breathed heavily, and my head spun. I felt drunk off her pheromones. She took my hand and led me off the dance floor through the club’s exit.

Coming Soon

#2 Deeper In You – Coming July 5, 2016

I’ve lost everything …

And I mean everything. Once a household name, now just a broken shell. Lily has left me and taken my entire future with her. I just want to sleep and never wake up. Forget love, forget passion. All of it. I’m done.

My Name is Alexander Phoenix, former Olympic gymnast. I was once known as the X-Wing, as the man who flies. Make that flew…

Can I salvage my future and reclaim my place as the man I used to be? Or does fate have something else in store? Haunted by ghosts of the past, I must find the strength to move on and find my path. Broken hearts still beat, right?

I’ve never shied away from challenges. Why should I start now?

Pre-order Links


Author Bio

David S. Scott is a new author of erotica and erotic romance novels. He is currently working on his upcoming release Deep in You and its sequel Deeper in You. He is in his mid-thirties and happily married, and has a bit of a wicked sense of humor. When not writing, David can be found reading a variety of genres or playing “nerd games” like Dungeons and Dragons with his friends. He loves surfing and shark-tooth hunting on the local beaches, and hopes to one day fulfill his dream of writing full-time. David loves interacting with people and meeting new friends, so please be sure to follow him on his author page.

Author Links




When you order the ebook “Deep In You” on June 30th you will receive the prequel “Dreams and Dreamers." A Kindle email address will be required for this giveaway. To receive your copy please email your kindle address as well as proof of purchase to Melissa Ann at Please add to your accepted list on your kindle. Not only will you receive the prequel but you will also be entered into a draw for a $25 Amazon Gift Card. The winner will be randomly chosen and contacted by email within 48 hours.

Footprints in the Sand by Michelle Horst & Giveaway

Title: Footprints in the Sand
Author: Michelle Horst
Genre: Standalone Romance
 Re-release Date: June 30, 2016


He is all I think and dream about.
My teenage heart beats only for him.
Until he becomes part of my worst nightmare…
Now I avoid him.
I ban every thought of him.

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I drink in everything about Seth. From his still wet hair, that’s making it shine dark as the glare of the sun catches it, to his chucks.

He is one RV away from me, but he is concentrating on his phone. Just as he reaches me the stupid phone rings. Like always, he gives me a quick smile that settles deep in my heart. I feel my face strain into a smile and then his attention is back to his phone as he answers it. He is always on his phone. I don’t think he knows of my existence, even though we live on the same street, take the same bus, and go to the same school. We even have some of the same classes. But to Seth Brody, I’m invisible, and I’d do anything to make him see me.

Author Bio

International bestselling author of Predator, The Monster Series and many others. She loves writing anything from Young Adult to Suspense Romance.

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Shopping for a CEO's Fiancée by Julia Kent & Giveaway

Title: Shopping for a CEO's Fiancée
Series: Shopping for a Billionaire #9
Author: Julia Kent
Genre: Romantic Comedy
 Release Date: June 22, 2016


We skipped right over the whole fiancée thing and went straight from girlfriend to wife.

At least, I think that's what happened. I woke up after my brother's Vegas wedding reception with my luscious girlfriend in bed with me. We're both wearing wedding rings.

So is her coworker, Josh.

And our Vegas chauffeur, Geordi.

Who the hell am I married to?

Unraveling this mystery will be as difficult as figuring out why Amanda and I are having panic attacks over the thought of being husband and wife.

Or, whoever we're actually married to.

Oh, ^%$#.

It's true that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, with one exception:

If she's my wife, we'll make it work.

If she's not?

I'll make it happen.

Get the 9th book in Julia Kent's New York Times bestselling romantic comedy series as Andrew and Amanda sort out their wild Vegas night...and the rest of their lives.

Purchase Links



“We’re not—you don’t really—we can’t be—”


She laughs, but it’s a brittle sound. “Come on. We didn’t actually have a wedding last night.”

“We didn’t? You’re sure?” I perk up. Great. She remembers last night. I squeeze my eyes and try to recall something—anything—that happened after Declan and Shannon said their goodbyes at the reception last night.

“I’m, well, I mean...” Twisting in my arms, she looks at me with those big, wide, trusting eyes, her left hand splayed against my bare chest, digging in where the robe has separated. “You don’t remember what happened?”

My voice drops with uncertainty.

Hers goes up.


“Quit joking.”

“Not joking.”

“We both can’t remember any part of last night?”

“When does your memory end?” I ask.

Mascara is streaked along the corner of her eye, and any makeup she wore last night currently resides somewhere on my skin or on the bedsheets. I can only imagine what I look like.

Amanda, though, is gorgeous. In my arms and looking at me with a perplexed expression, biting her lower lip while she flips through the filing cabinets of memory in her mind, and—

“I don’t know.”

I sit up. “You’re the fixer.”

“I know! But I remember saying goodnight to Shannon, hugging Declan, and then—poof! Nothing.”


“That’s when my memory ends, too,” I say, my skin beginning to crawl. “I know one thing: we did not have a foursome.”

“And I soooooo did not sleep with Josh. He’s gay. The man can’t handle watching a birth video. A real-life vagina would send him into cardiac arrest.”

“I know my heart pounds whenever I see yours,” I whisper. She gives me a reluctant smile, in spite of her hangover.

“That was baaaaaad,” she groans.

“All signs point to the sex question being put to rest. Worst case, all we did was sleep with each other,” I note.

“Worst case? Buddy, sleeping with me is best case. Best case. Always best.”

That was an unfortunate choice of words on my part. Before I can do damage control, she speaks.

“What if we are?” she hisses.

“Are what?”

Her eyes dart to mine.


Also Available


Author Bio

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge, and new adult books that push contemporary boundaries. From billionaires to BBWs to rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every book she writes, but unlike Trevor from Random Acts of Crazy, she has never kissed a chicken. She loves to hear from her readers by email at

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