Release Boost
Title: Up All Night
Series: Rock Gods
Author: Joanna Blake
Cover Designer: Pincushion Press
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Sweet Jesus.
What had he gotten himself into?
Kendall was sitting in the boutique, watching Jessica try on clothes. It had been his idea. Now he was paying the price.
His pants felt tight all the sudden.
Very tight.
He pretty much felt like his jeans were a sausage casing and he’d been overstuffed.
Jessica was standing awkwardly in another dress he'd picked out for her. She looked gorgeous but extremely aware of how exposed she was. This one was, um, very revealing.
She didn't look trashy though.
She looked fucking beautiful.
And very, very self conscious.
She was trying in vain to pull the bottom of the mini skirt down to cover her thighs. Her sweet, firm, silky looking thighs. He wanted to tell her that she shouldn’t hide. She should show herself off.
But he didn’t want her to do that exactly either.
Not unless they were alone.
And naked. Very, very naked.
God, she had great legs. Strong and shapely but utterly feminine. The dress fluttered around her hips and hugged her tiny waist, all the way up to the plunging neckline. She was trying to pull that up too. She looked ridiculous, trying to make the fabric do things it didn't want to do.
And he was grateful to the fabric, even if it was creating a situation in his pants.
His mouth dried up when he looked at that neckline. It was - oh god - her glorious breasts were finally on display. They were perfectly round and looked delightfully bouncy.
Jessica kept saying she wasn't a toy, but she looked like endless hours of fun to him.
He groaned, crossing his legs. He was getting a hard on in the lobby of the hotel! He was going to have to stop playing around and get this girl into bed, no matter what it took. The sooner the better.
Otherwise he was going to go insane.
Blue balls level insane.
She wobbled a bit in the heels he'd picked out for her.
She stared at him, pulling a face. He couldn't help but laugh. He'd never laughed so much in his life as he had in the past few hours with her.
It was a strange sensation, laughing while his dick tried to tear its way out of his pants. It had a mind of its own. And it was hungry.
"Another no?"
She shook her head miserably.
"Go and pick something out then. Just-"
"I know, I know. Don't look at the price tag."
He smirked as she kicked off her heels and disappeared into the racks. In a few minutes she was back, holding up a simple dress and a pair of high heeled ankle boots. She slipped into the dressing room and he closed his eyes, focusing on calming down his raging hard on.
Think about nuns.
Nuns holding kittens and puppies.
A fireman rescuing the Nun while she clutched the kittens and puppies.
The fireman was kissing the Nun and lifting up her skirt. The Nun looked like Jessica. He was the fireman.
The fireman disappeared under the shapeless black habit as he knelt in front of her and dove between her thighs.
"Getting sleepy?"
He snapped his eyes open.
"No- not at all, I'm just- oh wow."
She spun for him, wearing a more modest, but equally stunning, above the knee length dress. It was black silk with a sweetheart neckline. It swirled out gracefully when she spun. The booties she’d picked out were about 4 inches high with a little platform built in.
She looked incredible, and much more comfortable in the ensemble.
He'd thought her cute before. It was a gross understatement. She was fucking gorgeous.
"Too much?"
"Uh- no. It's perfect. You look- yeah. Perfect."
She cocked her head to the side.
"Thanks. I think."
He rolled his eyes and stood.
"Do you want something else? Another outfit for tomorrow? Get whatever you want. Seriously."
"No, this is kind of a one time deal. Thanks though."
He frowned, wondering what she meant. He handed the sales woman the card and she swiped it.
"There's still ten thousand on your balance."
"Okay. I'm getting you a bag, Jess.”
She shrugged self consciously.
"That one."
There was a crystal studded evening bag that caught his eye. Then he noticed the jewelry.
He pointed to a necklace in the case. It was a ruby heart pendant set in platinum. Simple but very dramatic.
"We'll take that."
She nodded and pulled it out, swiping the card again.
He waited until Jessica was done pulling the price tags off her clothes and shoving her things into the tiny purse.
"What do I do with this stuff?"
"Can you send her clothes and bag to the suite?"
“Of course, Mr. Jackson.”
The sales girl nodded. He held up the necklace.
"Do you like it?"
“It’s beautiful but I can’t-”
“Hush now, I want you to have it.” He grinned. “You are lucky I didn’t try and buy the matching earrings.”
Jessica stared at him, dumbfounded. He lifted the necklace over her head and fastened it.
"There. Now you're ready."
She blinked up at him, clearly not sure what to make of this latest extravagance.
"Don't say it's too much! We're in Vegas, remember?"
She bit her lip.
“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?”
He grinned and grabbed her hand.
"Come on, let's go."

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