☆☆Release Day☆☆
☆☆V O N☆☆
☆☆By Tracy Gilmore☆☆

Von is not the average Alien. He has been traveling the galaxy for specimens and with his mission complete, he can begin preparing for the return to his home. Like many traveling long distances, he requires nourishment. Luckily for Von, he found just the place.
There is an overabundance of assorted humans, for which his species views the male's as juicy steaks and the females as the rarest of wines. His mission now, to find the best sample of both. There is only one obstacle, there is another Alien who wants the same female as he.
The Suuwok are a race of beings that attack other species in their dreams. Mireya, a human, has been a choice specimen for years and the Suuwok have come to collect.
A battle ensues and with Von as the victor will he contain his urges to devour Mireya or will the Suuwok seek vengeance and get Mireya back?


☆About the author☆
Tracy Gilmore has always had a love of writing and often wrote on whatever she could find but many of her stories were beginnings and not full stories. The concept of publishing a book was not something that she considered until there was so much of it to read. Through trial and error she came across a method to allow others to enjoy the reading of her work as much as she loves to write.
She graduated from high school and attended a Community College. She married her High School sweetheart and together they have two children. Often her husband helps her with many of her writings and her children are eager to listen to her many tales giving her the feedback that helps her to continue writing.
Inspiration for her writing comes in many forms and when it strikes she can be found typing or writing away for hours. When she is not writing she is a woman of very many talents. Baking, cooking, woodworking, crocheting, playing videogames, sewing and swimming.

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