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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Pieces of You

Pieces of You

by Lisa Marie

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Throughout your life, your experiences define you, define your choices and define your paths. Taking pieces of you and scattering them everywhere so that everyone who means anything to us can carry those pieces with them - always. Sometimes those pieces of you are a burden, when those that care about you are carrying the weight of too many pieces of their own. Sometimes those pieces make one forget what it's like to live. 

Ty Lorey has to learn how to move forward after his fairytale came crashing down around him, leaving him filled with guilt and remorse. Leaving him a shadow of the man he used to be. Leaving him broken and defeated only to go through the motions of everyday life, pretending he's surviving. Living in a small town makes it hard to escape the nightmares of the day when everything changed. Reliving it nightly with images that consume his peace.

Until he meets Riley. 

Without realization, the dark-haired beauty with the dimples teaches him to smile again. With the smile comes hope that maybe-just maybe, he can be fixed and that getting an opportunity to say goodbye is the only answer for his peace.

Lisa Marie was born and raised in Alberta Canada. Mother to two amazing girls and one husband-child, Lisa is a fierce advocate for children and families on the Autism spectrum, and she won't rest until Inclusion means just that.

She wrote her first Novel Keystrokes because she found an image of the model that currently graces the cover, and inspiration hit her hard. Taking a chance with a publisher, she began her writing journey. 

Stay tuned to see where Lisa's journey will take her next!

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