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Friday, August 19, 2016

The Glass Knot by Lily Harlem" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">" width="640" />

Book Blitz:
The Glass Knot
Lily Harlem
Aug 17th - Aug 24th

What’s a girl to do when the guy she falls for is married to another man?

This is exactly what happened to me. Seeing Josh Kendal stroll out of the Mediterranean Sea wearing tight navy swim trunks and looking like a hot new James Bond was a truly delicious moment. Catching sight of his wedding ring was like a kick in the shin and meeting his gorgeous husband, phew, that was enough to make any girl groan at the cruel joke God was playing on her.

But all was not as it seemed, and when Josh needed a woman to sort out a ‘delicate predicament’ I was the one for the job – heck, what did I have to lose? Certainly not as much as him, literally.

Trouble is, emotions always get tangled, loyalties can’t help but be divided and with a night of memories so hot they'd have the devil sweating, there was only one thing for it—it was time to get honest, fight for what I wanted despite society’s constraints and open my heart to the people it needed most.

Reader advisory - The Glass Knot is an erotic romance featuring M/M and M/F love and every combination of two guys and a girl you can think of!


There was something about Josh’s chest that was sublimely perfect. I’d noticed it that first moment when I’d seen him walking, all wet and tanned, out of the sea. His chest was broad, his pecs square, his little nipples cute, and the way his ribs tapered down to his abs and obliques would make Rodin weep to sculpt him.
My chest tightened. My longing was so much more intense now than on the beach that day. Because now I knew what his chest was like to touch and kiss, cuddle into. How it looked pressed against my breasts and covered in our mingled sex sweat, rising and falling rapidly as he fought for breath after riding into me hard and fast.
I willed myself back to the present. But with his aftershave settling in my nose and mixing with the soft male scent that radiated from his naked skin, it was not an easy task.
I started taking more pictures. This time ensuring I had his entire upper torso in the frame.
Once again the sun worshipped him, lovingly touching each perfect muscle and tendon. Highlighting bulging biceps and the sinewy tendons of his neck. It made me want to worship him too, lick every square inch that I could, and then get hold of his cock and...
Oh, fuck. I have to get out of here.
I did six more shots and lowered my camera. “I think that’s plenty.” “You sure?”
“Yes, maybe you’d like some pictures outside, in the garden?” So I can get some air.
I fiddled with the zoom. My pussy was thrumming. I should have brought Rocky then I could have disappeared into the bathroom for some alone time. Sorted out the ache between my legs.
“No.” His voice was firm and deep.
I lifted my head.
There was something in his eyes that made me freeze. I’d seen that look before. It was raw and hungry. The soft, caring, relaxed expression of moments ago had gone. Josh was thinking about something dirty, sexy and...carnal.
I know him better than I thought.
“I don’t want to go in the garden. I want to stay in here.”
“Oh, do you want me to get Nick?”
“No.” His lips tightened and he stepped closer.
“But, er, maybe I could do some pictures of the pair of you together.”
“No, that’s not what I want.” He reached out and lifted the thin leather camera strap over my head.
Just the brush of his fingertips on my neck sent more lust raging through me. But this was crazy. There was nothing between Josh and I. There couldn’t be. For Nick’s sake there couldn’t be.
He set my camera on a hay bale then loomed back over me.
I stared up at him. The dim light and the silence seemed to weave a spell around us, a spell that made it only us. The air was thick with dust, palpable with desire. His eyes were locked with mine, and a slow growing realization crept over me.
He’s looking down at me like he wants a repeat performance of our wildest moment in Spain.
“Lord help me,” he mumbled, dropping his head closer still, until his breaths breezed over my face.
The unthinkable, the impossible was about to happen. He was going to kiss me, and I was going to let him, despite my promise to Nick.
No I can’t do that. I’m not a bitch.
“Laura, I can’t stop thinking about you, about us. I just need to...I want...”
I despaired with myself, didn’t think I could stoop to such depths of self-destruction. Drop myself into a pit where I knew guilt would eat me alive. But I was going to. Josh could do whatever he wanted and take whatever he needed. His words, the desire in his eyes, it was like showing a red rag to a bull. “Yes,” I said.
The decision had made itself.
I flung my arms around his neck at the same time as he dragged my body to his. Our mouths connected in a frantic, desperate kiss. Tongues racing and searching, lips starving as we fed off each other.
He let out a low, triumphant sound, like a growl. It made the hairs on the back of my neck rise. All sane thoughts left me. I was in Josh’s arms, he was all I wanted, and judging by the long hard bulge jutting into my stomach, he wanted me too.
I couldn’t help myself. I knew, in the back of my mind, how much this would hurt Nick, but that worry seemed like a million light years away. It was scarily easy to bury it and figure it out later.
“I’ve dreamed of tasting you again,” he admitted hoarsely.
“You have?”
“Yeah, I know I shouldn’t but I can’t seem to stop myself.” He slid his hands down and cupped my ass through my jeans, tugged me harder against him. “You’ve got under my skin and into my brain. I can’t stop thinking of you and our night together.” He groaned and kissed me even harder.
His words and his urgent kiss sent electric pulses of delight through my body. My breasts grew heavy as I leaned into his bare chest. My breaths were hard to catch. I should have replied, or told him to stop or something, but I couldn’t. I was sating a hunger that had been growing to alarming proportions.
An image of Nick, relaxed on holiday, smiling and confident came into my mind.
How can I be doing this?
I pushed at Josh, shook my head. “No.”
“Yes.” He stepped backwards, dragging me with him. Then we were lying down on the soft hay and his luscious weight was settling over me, the word no was lost from my vocabulary and the image of Nick evaporated.
Hurriedly I explored Josh’s naked back, dipping into the valley of his spine and adoring the power harnessed in every muscle. Our legs tangled, he shoved up my t- shirt and dragged my bra to one side.
“Oh, sweet Jesus,” he groaned, taking my nipple into his mouth. He pinched the hard nub between his teeth and sucked, just the way I liked, the way I’d taught him to do it.
I shut my eyes, threaded my fingers into his hair. Just minutes ago I’d been wishing I’d brought my vibrator, now it seemed Josh had solved the problem.
He suddenly sat back on his heels and yanked down the zipper on his jeans. Pulled himself free. There were no boxers to get in the way. His cock just sprung out, thick, rigid and heavy.
My mouth watered at the sight of his shaft and the big, angry red head. I reached for him greedily, wrapped my hands around his cock and squeezed.
He sucked in a breath, and a tremble attacked his body. “Your little hands are so sweet on me.”
“Josh, oh, I’ve missed you so much. I want you.”
“And you’re going to get me,” he said, dropping down and taking my mouth in a kiss that left no doubt in my mind exactly what was going to happen next.
We both struggled with my skinny jeans. I twisted and kicked, and my sandals flew off, forgotten. Hay poked at my buttocks, tickled my thighs. Impatience swelled as my pants proved stubborn slipping over my feet.
Eventually, I lay beneath him, half naked and my pussy buzzing for connection with his cock.
He lifted his head and sucked in a heavy breath. His eyes were a wild dark blue, the color of a mountain lake, the sky before a storm.
“Josh, please, now.”
With deft movements he rolled on a condom and positioned the head of his cock at my slick entrance. He hooked his arm behind one of my knees, tugged upwards and stretched me wide and open. I lifted my other leg and dug my heel into the hard orb of his ass, spreading myself ready for his invasion.
He hovered over me.
I was just about to tell him to get on with it when he blasted in.
“Argh, oh God...” I cried. Pain and pleasure mingled ferociously. I hadn’t been expecting such a rapid and thick filling
“Shit, sorry.” He froze.
I twisted my head in the hay and arched my back. “No, no, oh, please don’t stop, it’s amazing, oh Josh, just fuck me.”
“I want you so bad but I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’re not. Please, take me. Like you did before.”
He groaned long and low and shoved his cock into me so completely his balls mashed against my ass.
I hid my face in his neck, nipped his taut tendons with my teeth. Loving the sensation his big dick created deep within me, and the way the hardness of his pubic bone ground over my clit.
“You feel even better than I remember,” Josh whispered hotly into the shell of my ear. “So wet and warm and tight.”
I shuddered in bliss as he began to move, riding in and out, over and through me. My clit was building up fast to an orgasm. He slotted his arms beneath my shoulders, binding me to him. I fastened my legs over his butt, shifting up and down on the hay within his glorious driving pace. My skin was on fire, hot and feverish, my lungs bursting as though I’d just ran five miles.
“One night just wasn’t enough, I know that now.” There was a desperate urgency in his voice. “Oh, Laura, oh, what are we doing?” He arched his neck toward the ceiling and screwed up his eyes. His lips pulled back and he bared his teeth.
“Josh, but it feels so good, oh, oh, I’m coming.” I shoved my forehead into the top of his chest, trembled as I balanced on the precipice of a wild climax.
I came. It was blinding and powerful. A breathless freefall through space. My entire body went into a series of wild spasms, my limbs clinging to his, my pussy hugging him. I was drenched and gasping in his arms, a writhing tangle of emotions; guilt and pleasure, ecstasy and betrayal.
“Ah, sweetie, I love it when you do that, ah...ah...” His mouth fell open in a silent scream, and his hips pounded into me. The sound of slapping flesh filled the barn as he rode through his final throes.
Another, instantaneous climax devoured me. I fell to pieces in his grip, thrashing on the hay as the explosions went on and on, colliding with his pulsing cock. There was so much intense sensation my brain couldn’t process it and I folded in on myself, drifting on bliss.
When eventually I opened my eyes he was staring down at me, his gaze burning hot as his hips slowed.
I dragged in a shaky breath. The scent of salt, my own arousal and the dark musk of male surrounded us. I reached up and cupped his jaw. His mouth fell to a straight line and his eyes narrowed. It was as if he was afraid of the wild energy that had carried us away, suspicious of the momentum of our desire that had been so unstoppable.
There was something about his expression that made me feel vulnerable, exposed and frightened. “Josh,” I whispered. A whip of regret lashed within me—I knew guilt would soon be my best friend.


Lily Harlem is a best-selling, award-winning author of erotic romance. She lives in the UK and writes for several publishing houses including HarperCollins, Totally Bound, Pride Publishing, Evernight, ARe and Sweetmeats Press. She also features in numerous UK and US anthologies, some of which all proceeds go to charity.

Her books are a mixture of full length novels and short stories, some are one offs, some are sequels or part of a series (all can be enjoyed as stand-alone reads). What they all have in common are colourful characters travelling on everyone’s favourite journey — falling in love. If the story isn’t deliciously romantic and down and dirty sexy, it won’t be written, at least not by this author. So with the bedroom door left well and truly open you are warned to hang on for a steamy, sensual ride - or rides as the case might be!



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