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Friday, January 29, 2016

Message from Barbara Speak

PSA from Author Barbara Speak,

            Let it be Us released on Monday January 25th. It was brought to my attention there was a problem with the book file. Upon further investigation Amazon admitted they were at fault. The file they sent to reader’s kindles was corrupted within their systems. This was not the fault of my editor, my formatter or myself. The problem has been fixed and Amazon is working on sending all the readers that received the corrupt file, a new copy. The issue that Amazon has caused resulted in bad reviews (based solely on the error) and readers returning the book. This has been very upsetting to me, I have put so much time and energy into making this book close to perfect and one sweep through a computer system has made a mess. I just want to put this out there so you all know this was in no way my doing. It could take up to 3 days to receive the new copy from Amazon, they will notify you via email. If you received the corrupt book, you can still read it, nothing is missing but please don’t base your reviews on the mishap, please base them on the story. I am so sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you, but I don’t want to be attacked in reviews because of something I had no control over. If you left a review based on the formatting, I ask that you edit the review and base it on the storyline not the error. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for understanding. Please give Canyon and Ari the chance they deserve. 

Thank you,
Barbara Speak

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