Thursday, January 14, 2016

Love in Neverland Cover Reveal

Title: Love in Neverland
Author: Heather C. Myers
Genre: Fantasy Romance Young Adult/retelling of Peter Pan
Expected Release Date: January 25th, 2016
Blurb: Love in Neverland is as hard to capture as fairy dust. Luckily, Magdalena Trainor has no need for either. Love has never been at the forefront of her mind. Her sole focus is to keep an eye on Captain Nicholas Grey while James Hook - the only person Magda trusts - has Remy Cutler in his clutches. She doesn't expect the task to be difficult - Nicholas Grey may have brawn but doesn't appear to have any brain - except he turns out to be more than she bargained for. And not in a bad way.
For Remy Cutler, love in Neverland is impossible and uimportant.  All she wants to do is get back home, back to her parents, her easy life, and even her undesirable arranged marriage with a man she has no passion for.  James Hook may be beautiful, but he's cold, and while he does not raise a hand to her, Remy is constantly left alone, isolated from everyone save for her handmaiden.  Rey still has no idea why she's so special, and James isn't sharing what he's planning to do with her either.  There's a threat looming over her head, and James Hook plays two parts: captor and protector.  With no one left to trust but him, she puts her life - and heart - in his hand - and hook.
Full disclosure: I am an acquired taste. I'm a typical blonde Orange County suburbanite who says 'like' more than necessary, laughs loud and probably obnoxiously, and loves to dance in the rain. I'm a 26 year old college graduate with more than a few tricks up my sleeve, and I also happen to be a pretty big Ducks fan. Oh, and I'm a writer. Like, for real. I recently signed with Anchor Group Publishing, which will see two of my series being published this year. I've self-published over 15 books, with more on the way, so I'm familiar with both a hybrid-traditional publishing method as well as self-publishing. I don't speak in third person (normally) nor do I wear glasses (except when I'm feeling particularly mischievous). I'm lucky to have found my soul mate at the ripe old age of 22, even though he frustrates me on purpose to get a reaction out of me. We live near Disneyland, have two rambunctious female puppies, and have a beautiful baby girl. He has two amazing boys, and has gotten me hooked on Smallville, watching soccer (okay, okay FOOTBALL - FC Barcelona, baby!), and Cancun Juice.
Author Links:
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