Book: Ethan’s Fall
Series: A Choice Novel
Author: Dee Palmer
Expected Release: 26th November
Cover Designer: Angie O Creations
Hosted By: Francessca’s Romance Reviews

They say once bitten… Ethan Cates is anything but shy. A little time away from his playboy playground has hardened his heart and returning from his travels he has every intention of keeping it that way.This summer his plan is for the three S’s Sun, Sea and Surf…It’s just not his entire plan. Three more S’s… Sex, Sex and more Sex. Ethan loves women. He is just not ever going to love one women and this summer he is on a mission to prove it.
Everyone has a story but not everyone wants to tell their story. Ada is hiding and has no choice but to stay that way because she needs to find someone more than she needs to take her next breath. If she is found and identified she knows she will never get that chance. It’s not a life choice. This is self preservation, she’s lost too much but she will never give up.
For the first time since moving to the small coastal town Ada feels isolated in her opinion of Ethan, the towns favourite prodigal son. He is arrogant, rude and a complete arse to her. But, the first time in forever, Ada is distracted by a man who seems to delight in torturing her, teasing her and playing a game Ada can’t afford to lose…A game she can’t afford to play.
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The door handle seems stiff when I realise its locked. What the fuck! I shake the handle and yell.
“Open the fucking door!” I no longer contain my rage not giving whoever has the audacity to lock themselves in my bedroom time to comply with my demand. I step back and with one fierce kick I boot the door wide open. A sharp shrill scream competes with the sound of the cracking door frame and splintering wood.
Not what I was expecting. The trembling girl in front of me, her white knuckles fiercely gripping the handle but her hold is wobbly and she weakly waves my baseball bat at me.I instantly step forward and swipe it from her grasp. She yelps and jumps back against the wall. Her dark blue eyes are wide with terror and I get a sudden pang in my chest that I am causing this distress. I drop the bat and walk to my closet all the while keeping my eyes fixed on her. She looks scared shitless which is understandable. I guess I might look a little scared if some strange naked guy crashed into my room. But this is my room and I’m not the stranger she is. But yes, I am naked and I need to fix that. I pick the first set of shorts I can find and slip them on. I can see her visibly relax and I like that I have done that.
“Who are you?” Her voice waivers but she coughs and straightens her shoulders in a display of faux confidence. It makes me smile which seems to irritate her.
“My apartment darling… I get to ask the questions.” My tone is clipped. Yeah I can be irritated too. I have had way too little sleep and currently have a hard on that won’t go away. Her eyes keep dipping to take in my tenting crotch which honestly isn’t helping. “What are you doing in here…taking a break from the performance?” She is almost naked herself. Her slim bare legs peek below a skinny T-shirt that look familiar. It’s mine or at least used to belong a girl I went to school with. She must have left it here when she visited from University. It has St Andrews University blazoned across the front and it is far too small to fit me. So apart from my clothing she doesn’t appear to have anything else on…certainly no bra. Interesting.
“What?” Her shocked tone piqued with insult halts my wayward thoughts.
“Are you taking a break from the show I just broke up?” I speak slowly and I know my patronising tone is causing the fury to flash in her crystal blue eyes. I tip my head toward the other room, to the highlight my point and the scene of the crime.
“Oh absolutely…and the locked door is all part of my foreplay!” She crosses her arms tightly around her chest which just lifts her breasts that little bit higher.
“It’s effective” My face fails to hind my amusement. “Rude to point.” I fail again to hold in a laugh but then I’m not really trying. This is the most fun I have had in a long time. She instantly cups the offending nipples with her hands and flashes bright red.
“Oh my God! Sky said you were cool but you’re actually an arsehole!” Her haughty tone, however, is my breaking point. I stride over to her and grab her elbow. She yelps at my tight grip and I easily drag her from my room. There is practically nothing to her, except delicately soft skin under my finger tips, masses of unruly jet black waves and fierce piercing blue eyes. I open the front door and deposit her outside on the landing in her bare feet.I go to close the door.
“Wait!” She screeches. I hold the door and regard her cooly through the gap. “My clothes…all my clothes are in your washing machine.”
“Why?” I am confused but she looks like I have just asked the dumbest question.
“I used you laundry facilities. Sky said I could. I’ll pay for the washing tablet but I need my clothes…you have all my clothes….” She bites her words out and I fight back a grin. She is in no position to be snarky with me.
“Not all you clothes.” I casually glance at the T-shirt she has borrowed from one of my draws.
Her eyes dip to where my gaze is focused and she tugs at the material for emphasis. “This is yours…I just used it while mine where washing. Everything I own is in your machine!” She is fighting her frustration. I can see the way she is biting her cheek that she is just itching to tell me all her deepest desires. No, she’s itching to rip my fucking bollocks off but I like my internal fantasy better.
‘You are right…that is my T shirt.” I cup my hand in the universal sign language of ‘hand it over’. The shock on her face is priceless.
“What? No!” She shouts out indignantly.
“My T-shirt. You either give it to me or I will take it from you.” She takes a step back and crosses her arms once more. It’s cute her tiny frame trying to emanate any kind of barrier.
“You wouldn’t?” Her voice is a whisper and her eyes are wide like saucers, deep blue mesmerising saucers. I step up to her but don’t say a single word. I silently wait…and wait. Her eyes narrow and she huffs. “You’re an arsehole…you know that?” I wait… “Fine!” She steps away creating enough space to roughly pull the T-shirt from her body before flinging it with some considerable force at my face. Not the first time today I catch the missile aimed at my head but this time I hold it. She has cupped her breasts. I was right, no bra. My eyes flick down her body and my mouth slides into the smuggest smile I can manage.
“No…no please.” Her breathy pleas go straight to my cock which would be caged in a pair of loose fitted boxer shorts but she is wearing them. Well, she is wearing one pair of them at least. Even with the tight elasticated waste the oversized underwear hangs deliciously from her slender hips. Her delicate curves no match for the might of gravity pulling the shorts further down her body exposing even more skin.
‘Oh dear” I say solemnly but with no remorse. “Those would be mine also I believe hmmm?” I tap my finger lightly on my chin as if pondering this great conundrum. ‘What to do? What to do?”
“Please Ethan.” My name on her lips sounds…strange…familiar…sexy. I like it and fuck, I could get used to that pleading.
“I’m nothing if I’m not a gentleman.” I offer but just as she steps forward misunderstanding the limits of my chivalry, I push the door closed in her face. I let her keep the pants.

Other Books In The Series:
Never A Choice
(The choices Trilogy Book 1)
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Always A Choice
(The choices Trilogy Book 2)
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The Only Choice
(The choices Trilogy Book 3)
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About The Author

Dee Palmer hates talking about herself in the third person so I won’t. My husband had my iPod engraved one Christmas with ‘sing like no-one’s listening’ and I know my family actually wish they weren’t listening because I am, in fact, tone deaf but it doesn’t stop me and this gentle support has enabled me to fulfil a dream. This has been a truly brilliant experience, I wrote The Choices Trilogy back to back and released them this year just one month apart...Don't you hate waiting for the next book in a series? The entire process has undoubtedly been made possible by my incredibly supportive family. I know this is very much an acknowledgment but I know I wouldn’t be writing even this single paragraph if it wasn’t for them so this is about who I am, I am because they let me be.
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