Friday, September 11, 2015


Death by Romance
by Anne Kennison



The murder of Gordon Taylor, prominent businessman and philanthropist, has Detective Ryan Hamlin stumped. No viable suspects, no decent leads. When a chance conversation breaks the case wide open, Detective Hamlin suddenly has a long list of unlikely suspects who, with a "perfectly legal" multimillion dollar investment to protect, must make sure that none of them is convicted or everything will be lost. That's when the deception and finger-pointing begin. The detective is certain he's headed down the path that will lead to the killer, but is he?



The Grim Reaper is a capricious son-of-a-bitch who’ll let an undeserving miscreant go with nothing more than a renewed faith in God, then throw a surprise party for a guy like Gordon Taylor. A decent guy who was about to go from merely to hugely rich. With good business sense, ambition, and a few lucky breaks, Gordon had parlayed a small inheritance from his grandfather into Taylor Industries, a multimillion dollar conglomerate with fingers in everything from manufacturing to banking, and he was at the endgame for the IPO. He had worked hard and it was all about to pay off.

None of it mattered. Gordon Taylor would die within the hour.

Gordon’s work day had ended. He was lounging in his leather executive chair, feet crossed and propped up on the desk, hands behind his head, strong fingers intertwined.  He was enjoying a moment of solitude after another grueling day dealing with overly cautious attorneys more interested in racking up legal fees by creating obstacles than finding solutions, and greedy investment bankers wanting more than their fair share of Gordon’s empire. He’d spent the day wrapping up details for the IPO which, when done, would tack three beautiful zeroes on the end of his already substantial net worth.The thought didn’t leave him as elated as he had thought it would, and he wondered if trading control for dollars was worth it. He already had more money than he and his wife Jessica could spend in three lavish lifetimes and, when all was said and done, it wasn’t about the money. It never had been.

Anticipation was what I had to get everything done just so I could curl up with this book!  Let me tell you, had I know then what I know now....NOTHING would have gotten done first!!!  The twist of the story.... WOW!!!  The characters suck you in but the plot keeps you reading!  And if you think this will be one of those books that you think you'll be able to lay off to the side for just a few minutes....  think again!!  Once you start, you're in... there's not turning back, there's no one more page, one more chapter... none of that...  you start it, make sure you don't need to do anything nor non one needs you, they will find you zone into this read!

*Received for an honest review*

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Anne Kennison’s unique plot twist comes from a fertile imagination honed by 20-plus years as a trusts and estates attorney. Now retired from the practice of law, Anne lives in Richmond, Virginia, with her husband Dale and two Ragdoll cats Grady and Elliott. When she’s not writing the sequel to Death by Romance, Anne loves to travel, dabble in photography, and spend time with her two adorable granddaughters.


The book will be $0.99 during the tour.


Barnes & Noble:


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