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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tour & Giveaway for SWEET COWBOY CHRISTMAS by Candis Terry

Sweet Cowboy Christmas
Sweet, Texas # 3.5
By: Candis Terry
Releasing November 25th, 2014
Avon Impulse 

Mistletoe, holly, and cowboys, oh my! Christmas in Texas has never been sweeter.

Years ago, Chase Morgan traded in his dusty cowboy boots for the shimmering lights of New York City and a fast track up the corporate ladder. But when his shiny life is turned on end just in time for Christmas, Chase knows he needs to reevaluate even if that means going home to Texas to endure his least favorite holiday.

When Mr. Tall, Dark, and Smoking Hot walks through her door at the Magic Box Guest Ranch, Faith Walker sees just another handsome, rich exec looking to play cowboy for a week-at her expense. She’s sure the grumpy, but sexy as hell Scrooge will put a crimp in her holly jolly plans. Until a sizzling kiss has her seeing him in a new light.

Chase is haunted by secrets, and even though it goes entirely against her “hands off the guests” rule Faith is tempted to help him leave the past behind. As the magic of the season swirls around them, she is determined to succeed because now she is certain one sweet, cowboy Christmas will never be enough

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Author Info
Candis Terry was born and raised near the sunny beaches of Southern California and now makes her home on an Idaho farm. She’s experienced life in such diverse ways as working in a Hollywood recording studio to chasing down wayward steers. Only one thing has remained the same: her passion for writing stories about relationships, the push and pull in the search for love, and the security one finds in their own happily ever after.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Excerpt #1:
“Anger and regret don’t change anything,” he said. “Haven’t you ever heard the saying, ‘the best revenge is to live well and be happy’?”
“You’re not at all who I think you are,” she said, her eyes squinting. “Are you?”
“I hope not.”
For a long moment, they stood there, gazes locked, the air around them thickening.
He took that last step closer to her. Simply because he couldn’t have stopped himself if he’d tried.
Then he did exactly what he’d promised himself he wouldn’t do. He reached out his hand and gently cupped her cheek. Her thick, dark lashes fluttered as she looked up at him. But she did not pull away. Unable to fight the desire burning through his blood, he lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers.
To his surprise and absolute satisfaction, she slid her hands up his chest, wrapped her lovely arms around his neck, and leaned into his kiss.
As she lifted to her toes, her full breasts pressed into his chest, and a hot zap of lust spiked deep in his groin. His arms went around her, pulling her closer just as her moist mouth parted and let him in.
When their tongues met, a surge of pleasure so different from anything he’d ever felt before lit him up inside. Kissing Faith was like the Fourth of July and Christmas morning all rolled into one. In the warm recess of her mouth, their tongues tangled, danced, and made love. Chase could have stood there all day, holding her in his arms, kissing her until she moaned with the need of something more.
When she did just that, he gathered his wits and ended the kiss by once more pressing his mouth to the center of her luscious lips, then one to her forehead.
With a sigh, she stepped away, and his arms were instantly void of the pleasure of her warmth.
“Why did you kiss me?” she asked.
“Because I wanted to. Why did you kiss me back?”
She grinned. “Because I wanted to.”
He returned the gesture. “Then we’d better be prepared. Because I’m guessing there are probably more where that one came from.”
She flashed a come-and-get-me grin as she spun on the heels of those worn-down boots, and said, “A girl can only hope.”

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