Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Keep It Secret by Olivia Snow Release Blitz & Giveaway

Keep It Secret (KIS #1) by Olivia Snow Release Blitz – 

Title:  Keep It Secert (KIS Series Book #1)
Author:  Olivia Snow
Genre:   Contemporary Romance
Release Day:  November 18, 2014

Is blood truly thicker than water? 
After the unexpected death of her father, and her mother’s emotional abandonment, Ava Veneziano’s life is turned upside down. She turns to drugs, sex and alcohol as a way to cope with all the destruction in her life, inconsequence, she flunks a grade and loses touch with her favorite cousin Vanessa. 
Five years later, Ava and her mother are reunited with the family they’d lost touch with and they end up moving into their home. 
Enter Vanessa Saint John.
Vanessa is unawarely beautify, with an overbearing and controlling mother. She’s never given the opportunity to have a boyfriend or experience life like a normal seventeen year old girl. 
However, all that changes when her cousin Ava moves in, and she finally gets the attention of Gabriel Mason. 
The same boy who’s also caught the attention of her beloved cousin. 

Amazon Link:            http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OE7820K

Title:  Keep It Safe (KIS Series Book #2)
Author:  Olivia Snow
Genre:   Contemporary Romance
Release Day:  December 16, 2014

Eight months ago Vanessa Saint John’s life was a lot different than it is now…

After losing Gabriel, and the discovery of his and Ava’s indiscretions, Vanessa becomes depressed and turns to partying and alcohol as a distraction.

Recognizing that she’s spiraling out of control, she manages to turn her life around. Still, her mother poses as a problem, and like the social climber she is, she fixes Vanessa up with the very rich and affluent Stellen Webb.

Vanessa is nothing more than a pawn in her mother’s quest for wealth and recognition, and unknowingly Cynthia pushes Vanessa into the arms of another man; Diesel Knox, a tattooed country boy with an attitude.

Clean and sober Ava has spent the last eight months in Sicily running away from her problems, until her mother summons her back to Colorado…

Reluctantly Ava returns to a broken Vanessa, a bartending job, and an unexpected love interest. Maxwell Gallagher, a much older man, who has a six-year-old son.

Will Vanessa finally break free of her parents grip? Will Ava finally find the happiness she so desperately seeks? Or will she forever be in the hell of her own making?

The first day of school came too quickly. Mother managed to keep me busy all week long, dragging me to piano lessons, Pilates, and back-to-school shopping. I hardly had any time to spend with Ava, but last night we managed to talk about our schedules.
“We have no classes together,” I said, disappointed, as I compared the two pieces of paper. “You’re taking AP Calculus?” I glanced up at Ava in disbelief while she played with a loose thread on my comforter.
“Yup,” she replied, like it wasn’t a big deal.
“That’s like...really advanced.”


I’m not even taking that.”
She glanced up at me with an amused look and a sly grin. “Are you insinuating that I’m dumber than you?”
“No! Of course not, it’s just...you have to test into that course and the exam is really hard.”
Oh, jeez, like that was even better. Insert foot in mouth. I should have stopped while I was ahead.
Ava chuckled, amused. “Van, relax, I’ve always been good at math. I didn’t flunk eighth grade because I was stupid, you know.”
“Then why did you?”
“It’s getting late, we should get to bed.” Ava jumped off my bed and headed toward the bathroom.
“Oh, all right, good night then.”
Ava stopped suddenly in front of my dresser, slowly turning around.
“Should I be concerned that you may have developed a sadistic personality? Or do you just have something against glass people?”
“Huh?” What in God’s name is she talking about?
“You get off on mutilating innocent ballet dancers?” She was holding my broken figurine in her hands. I buried my face in a pillow, laughing hysterically once I put two and two together. “You have to stop running into shit, Vanessa, you’re really going to hurt yourself.” Ava had already guessed what happened to my poor ballerina.
As my laughter subsided, I was able to regain my voice. “I don’t know how it happens,” I admitted.
Ava’s freakishly expressive eyebrow rose while the other one slanted.
“Really, I don’t.” I held my arms up in surrender.
“Be extra careful.” She placed the figurine back on the dresser. Opening the bathroom door, she waved the back of her hand at me before saying goodnight and shutting it behind her.
Why did I get the feeling she was an expert at deflecting questions she didn’t want to answer? She’d flipped the entire conversation from her to me in a matter of seconds.
What a ninja.

About the author:  

Olivia Snow lives in a lovely town in Colorado, with her wonderful husband and three beautiful but highly energetic children that she can barely keep up with. Her day is devoted to chasing after her three monsters, cleaning, cooking and often times tearing out her hair.

She loves drinking coffee eating chocolate and cheesecake. In her free time, you can catch her reading a steamy book, watching juicy drama filled reality TV or just cuddling with her yummy hubby.

Author Links: 

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/byoliviasnow
Email:  byoliviasnow@gmail.com
Website:  http://www.byoliviasnow.com/
Author Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8329629.Olivia_Snow

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