A Dead End in Vegas Book
Book Blurb:
As Dave Sloan is leaving for the Denver airport
to pick up his wife, Tricia, the phone rings. It’s the cops in Las Vegas. His wife is dead. Her nude body was found that morning in a
hotel room at the Bellagio.
Dave is stunned and devastated. He thought she was in Phoenix at a week-long
teachers’ conference. A lie, of course,
concocted by Tricia, who flew to Phoenix, then drove to Vegas to meet her Internet
lover, the handsome, charming, and very much married Joe Daggett of Chicago.
When Joe can’t join her, Tricia’s a mess. He calls a close friend, Al Posey, who lives
in Vegas, and asks him to take her to dinner.
Al and Tricia hit it off and wind up in bed. On Saturday morning, he walks out of her
hotel room at nine. Three hours later,
her lifeless body is found by a maid.
A DEAD END IN VEGAS is a searing exploration of
how Tricia Sloan’s tragic, mysterious death shatters, and later transforms, the
lives of her family and friends.
For More Information
- A Dead End in Vegas is available at Amazon.
Book Excerpt:
Slipping and
sliding along Colorado 91 in the near white-out, Randy looked in the rearview
mirror and spotted a Colorado Highway Patrol car. Sarah, who remembered every
detail of the trip, told me later that he panicked.
“Damn!” he cursed,
pounding the steering wheel and pointing behind them. Sarah turned and saw the
police cruiser; her eyes widened and dazed. With her hand over her mouth, she
made a sound part gasp, part groan.
“My dad must’ve
called them,” Randy shrieked. “They’re gonna take me in for armed robbery!”
“No they won’t,”
Sarah cried, gripping his arm. “We’ll be in Leadville soon. They’ll never find
us there. In a day or two, we’ll leave for California. My Grandpa’s out
there--he’ll help us!”
Randy glanced over
at her and nodded. He was now driving as fast as he could, but in the rushing
torrent of snow, visibility was failing, and, at 10,000 feet, the old Subaru
was suddenly wheezing as if for breath. When Randy muttered something about
engine trouble, Sarah buried her head in her hands and started crying. He
reached over and patted her leg.
As they approached
the farm community of Gage, 10 miles outside of Leadville, the highway cops
were still on their tail. A wave of hopelessness and betrayal swept over Randy
as he thought of his own father calling the police to turn him in. But in fact,
the cops’ presence had nothing to do with Dave. It had to do with Randy’s
reckless driving. He was swerving wildly in and out of icy, snow-packed lanes,
endangering his own life as well as Sarah’s and everyone else’s on the road.
About the Author:
Irene Woodbury’s second novel, A DEAD END
IN VEGAS, is a dark, probing look at marriage, infidelity, revenge, and grief. Immersing herself in drama and dysfunction
for months on end was a challenge for this upbeat author, whose first book, the
humor novel A SLOT MACHINE ATE MY MIDLIFE CRISIS, was published by SynergEbooks
in 2011. At first glance, the two novels
seem quite different, but both deal with midlife confusion and chaos, and the
complexities and unpredictable nature of the human heart. And both, of course, are partially set in Las
Vegas, a city Irene got to know well during her years as a travel writer. Between 2000 and 2005, her stories appeared
in major newspapers in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Irene, who graduated from
the University of Houston in 1993, lives in Denver with her husband, Richard, a
retired correspondent for Time Magazine who edited both of her novels. The couple miss traveling, but, after two
novels, Irene insists there’s no greater journey than the one into your own
heart and mind.
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