Title: Rivers Author: Jennifer Rae Gravely Series: Orders of the Sky #2 Genre: New Adult Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing

Fairy dance
“You are delightful.” Jackson stared admiringly. I wore a magical dress as sheer as butterfly’s wings in the palest of blues. He held me in his arms. The lights in the gardens twinkled like lightning bugs. “This could have been the wedding of fairies. I’ve never seen such an affair. It must’ve been your idea.”
Mamma shimmered in the silver mist of the twilight as Parker whirled her around the dance floor in the rose garden.
“How did you know?” I giggled. “Too Shakespearean?”
“No,” he said, grinning. “Absolutely charming. Especially the rainbow.” He held me tighter and twirled me around.
“The rainbow was Sammy’s idea.” I glanced at my sister in her pale pink fairy gown dancing withTravis. I pushed away regret and clung to Jackson.
“Let’s walk down our path to the river,” Jackson said.
“I’d love to.” I put my arm in his. Summertime rose blooms covered the wrought iron arbor ahead. Passing under the archway, we left the gardens for the myriad of trails that led down to the river and marshlands.
The full moon lit our path toward the footbridge and we avoided the muddiest areas.
“Too bad we can’t dangle our feet.” I stepped out on the planks in three inch heels.
“Maybe tomorrow.” He stopped walking.
I took another step forward before twisting to him behind me. My heel jammed in the crevice of the wood. I leaned down to loosen the shoe.
“I’d like to see you the day after that too—”
I lost my balance. Air and then water twisted my body end over end over end. The current tugged and water began filling my lungs. Darkness drifted over me.
“It’s okay, Andie. It’ll be okay. Please come back to me.” He cradled me in his arms. His lips brushed my forehead.
“Stone, I want to come back.” Inky darkness swallowed me.

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