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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

EL-204 Cover Reveal


You may know Lucian Barnes from his DESOLACE series. While EL-204 is much different from what you have come to know from Lucian, you are in for a treat. And without further ado, the cover of EL-204.

Ahhhh ... how about you find out what EL-204 is all about first.

For Jason Lambert, a prominent M.I.T. geneticist, fear of natural death has become a thing of distant memories. His latest concoction has, in a sense, increased his longevity and made him nearly immortal.
Over the past one hundred years, the technological advances of medical science have rendered the deadliest diseases of the twentieth century insignificant. Cancer, heart disease, and AIDS are no longer a death sentence. Serums have been developed to eradicate the problematic cells and their growth.
When he meets a beautiful woman, his world is turned upside down. Add to this the government's sudden interest in his research, and things begin to spiral out of control. We all know what happens when the military gets involved. Greed takes over, and ethics are pushed to their boundaries. Will Jason be able to juggle his responsibilities without compromising his integrity, or will his experiments lead to the evolution of a new breed of monster?

Are you ready to see it? Can't wait any longer? Here it is. Another talented work of art from Kate Cowen.
The cover of EL-204 by Lucian Barnes. Coming this fall to you from Anchor Group Publishing



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