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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blog Tour Justice Buried by Hilary Thompson

Dream Cast

This casting isn’t necessarily about who I would pay to play in my movie, but rather who I picture in my head when I’m imagining a scene. Having a distinct face in mind helps me visualize how the characters would look and sound as they react to the events and people around them.

Astrea (Ah-stray-uh)
Sophie Turner. Totally stealing this idea from blogger (LINK) because I had never found a real person to be Astrea. I had a mental image, though, and this actress is spot-on. The brilliant hair, the feisty side-glance, the angry, innocent beauty. The main difference is Astrea has grey eyes, like smoke.

Lexan (Lex-ehn)
Douglas Booth. Such a pretty, pretty boy. Even without the Boy George makeup. He should really have blondish hair for a perfect Lexan, but those eyes? Perfection.

Stian (Sty-ehn)
Jake Gyllenhaal, when he’s a little bit laughy and a lot bit scruffy. The main difference is Stian’s eyes are green, and I believe Jake’s are blue. Eh, no big deal.

Taye Diggs. He visited my high school dance class one year, and I haven’t exactly forgotten…he seems the perfect blend of serious eagle-eye, fun uncle, and secret-keeper extraordinaire. (No spoilers, but he keeps a big one!)

First Leader Keirna (Keer-nah)
Lucy Liu. She’s great at funny, but I think she could easily pull off what Kate Winslet does in Divergent – the switch-flip between caring leader and psychotic visionary. (I’m remembering Kill Bill!) The haircut, jacket, and slightly imperious smile in this pic are how I usually visualize Keirna too.

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